How can I obtain MFA backup codes?

Tags Duo MFA

MFA Backup codes can be generated and stored in a secure location as a backup to your regular MFA authentication devices.

Please note the following:

  • MFA Backup codes are valid for a single use or a maximum of six months after being generated. 
  • Generating new codes will invalidate any previously generated codes.
  • It is recommended that backup codes be generated every time a UMS password is changed.

Generate New Backup Codes

  1. Login to the UMS MFA Toolbox page.
  2. Click on the "Backup Codes" tab.
  3. The text currently shown should be "You currently have 0 active backup codes".
  4. Click on the button for "Generate Bypass Codes".
  5. A pop-up will appear with the text "This will invalidate all current backup codes. Continue?".
  6. Click "Yes" to delete the old back codes and generate new ones.
  7. The page will redirect to a Duo Mobile code generation page.
  8. Chose either one of the options of a "Duo Push" or "Passcode".
  9. The page will then be redirected back to the UMS MFA Toolbox page.
  10. 10 backup codes should now be listed on the page.
  11. If one chooses, click on the button for "Print Codes" to print the codes.
  12. Follow instructions on printing the codes using a web browser of your choice.

Delete Current Backup Codes

  1. While on the UMS MFA Toolbox page.
  2. Click on the "Delete Codes" to delete the currently generated backup codes.
  3. A popup will appear with the text "This will delete all current backup codes. Continue?".
  4. Click "Yes" to delete the old back codes.
  5. The page will redirect to a Duo Mobile code generation page.
  6. Chose either one of the options of a "Duo Push" or "Passcode".
  7. The page will then be redirected back to the UMS MFA Toolbox page.


  • Duo Multi-factor Authentication


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Article ID: 138281
Tue 3/1/22 12:08 PM
Thu 5/19/22 8:13 AM
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