How to Use Polling in Zoom

Tags Zoom poll

Polls in Zoom are an easy way to get information from a large number of participants without talking to them individually.


Start a poll within a Zoom meeting that is already running.

Note that this will not work with an ad-hoc meeting. Polls only work with scheduled meetings or your personal meeting room.

  1. Click "Polls" in the bottom menu area.
  2. Click "Add a Question" in the box that pops up.
  3. This will open up the Zoom web interface, where you'll configure your poll. Click on the title box to add a title.
  4. Click on the question field to enter a question, then click on and fill out at least two of the answers. You can select single choice or multiple choice. 
  5. When you're done with your question, you can click "Add a Question" to add another: 
  6. Keep adding questions until you are done. Now click "Save," which will take you back to the Zoom application.
  7. Back in your Zoom meeting, click "Polls."
  8. You'll see your poll. Click launch polling to send out your poll to meeting participants.
  9. You'll see the results coming in as people answer:
  10. When you're done, click "End Polling," to bring up your final results: 
  11. You can click "Share Results" to show meeting participants the results.


Windows OS, Mac OS



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Article ID: 134520
Thu 7/15/21 4:09 PM
Mon 9/26/22 4:08 PM
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