Re-organize Files or Folders added to MyFiles in OneDrive

Tags onedrive

Users can add Files and Folders that have been shared with them from SharePoint or another user's OneDrive to their own OneDrive. Microsoft added a new feature in April 2022 allowing users to move these [links to] files or folders into different folders within their own OneDrive.


  1. First, the file needs to be added to the user's OneDrive.
  • From OneDrive Online, go to Shared with me. Search for the file or folder to add, then select it and click "Add short-cut to MyFiles"
  • From SharePoint, navigate to the file or folder, select it and then click "Add Short-cut to OneDrive" 
  1. Then the [link to] file or folder can be moved to the desired folder
    • From OneDrive Online, go to MyFiles, click and drag the file or folder to the desired folder
    • From the OneDrive client on your computer, open your OneDrive - University of Maine System folder, then find the file or folder you added to your OneDrive and then move it to the desired folder in your OneDrive.

NOTE: Make sure the folder you are moving it to is in your own OneDrive, NOT a folder that has been shared with you. 

INFO: Moving the [link to] file or folder in your OneDrive will not change the permissions on the file or folder.


  • OneDrive
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Article ID: 138607
Tue 4/12/22 12:40 PM
Thu 6/9/22 12:22 PM
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