Reporting Phishing emails

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to gain access to your credentials, University or personal information, account or financial information, or other information of value.


If you received a suspicious email that appears to be a phishing attempt:

  • If you did not click on any links or open any attachments:
    1. In Gmail, click on the email.
    2. To the right of the date is a reply button. Click the drop-down arrow next to it.
    3. Click “show original”.
    4. Take down information (it is best to copy/paste, if possible)
    5. Forward the email to, make sure to include the detailed information above.
  • If you did click on a link or open an attachment
    1. Please contact the Help Desk at or 1-800-696-4357.

For more information, please visit: Avoid and report phishing emails


  • Email


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Article ID: 138677
Wed 5/18/22 2:08 PM
Mon 10/2/23 4:14 PM
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