Templates in Power BI

Tags PowerBI DARTS

This article is about creating a template for Power BI reports.

Detailed Information 

Power BI templates are useful when an office creates multiple reports with the same theme. Having a template reduces the repetitive work and saves you time. Power BI templates can contain color themes, visuals, the campus's logo, parameters, and other elements, but do not contain data. The resources below help create the templates.

Creating Custom Theme:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop. If you already have a couple of visuals on your report, it will help you see the changes as you pick different themes.
  2. Go to the "View" tab. There are a couple of default themes available from which to choose.
    Power BI Desktop toolbar highlighting the "View" tab and various chart icons in a "Themes" section.
  3. For additional customizations, click the down arrow to expand the window and select "Customize current theme."  Set your colors by entering the HEX code.
    You can also set other features, such as using existing JSON file.
    Read Microsoft's Use Report themes in Power BI Desktop page for more information.
    displaying the custom theme feature in Power BI Descktop, allowing users to create unique presentation styles.
  4. Save as a Power BI Template file.

Additional Notes:

  • A new template file (.pbit) will be created every time you modify your template. You will need to "save as" pbit when changes need to be saved. Read the "PBIT vs PBIX" article to understand the difference between the PBIT file and the PBIX file.
  • Please consider Accessibility Standards in Power BI.

Branding page for each campus:

Please review the guidelines before use.

Other Resources (External Sites)


  • Power BI