Microsoft Office 365 and your account privacy settings


Microsoft Office 365 and your account privacy settings details and information


As you may be aware, the University of Maine System is changing how student accounts are managed in Microsoft’s Office 365 system.  Our records indicate that you have selected one of the privacy options available to you under the FERPA Guidelines APL: FERPA PDF document found here.

More Information

During our testing, we discovered that it may be possible for other account holders to search for any other member of the University of Maine System community by preferred name or email address.   

  • Because you have requested privacy, we have taken steps to ensure that only the minimum required information is available within the Office 365 environment.  
  • Because it serves as your login name, this minimum information includes your email address, which may include your full first and last name.
  • In the event that you are concerned that this information may be available in Office 365, we wanted to make you aware of your option to select a login name and email address that is not based on your name.
  • If you would like to utilize this option, please visit and select the “Change your UMS user account username” link. 
    • During the process you will be able to select the ‘Not name-based’ login name.


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Article ID: 134794
Tue 7/27/21 2:35 PM
Mon 9/26/22 2:49 PM
Applies To