An overview of the new UMS systemwide ArcGIS SSO Online portal
Detailed Information
UMS ArcGIS Online Portal
UMS System Wide Portal:
This portal uses SSO and is available to all faculty, staff, and students. To sign in click the University of Maine System button, which will redirect you to the standard SSO login page.

If this is the first time logging into this portal, it will auto-generate an account. This account gives access to the following features:
- Access to the UMS ArcGIS Online Portal
- Access to the MyESRI
- Access to an ArcGIS Pro + extensions license
- All new users will be granted the "Publisher" role.
If someone can't login to the UMS System Wide Portal:
- Create a ticket with the students name, employee id and any error message they received.
- Escalate the ticket to T3 - Sys Admins
If a student can login to the UMS System Wide Portal, but can not see their class related information:
- Redirect them to their professor. The professor will need to add them to the class in their own portal.
If a professor can login, but is having difficulties:
- Create a ticket with the professor's information and what problem they are having.
- Escalate to T2 Support Team for the professors campus. Some combination of T2, CITL, or ArcGIS Portal admin will help resolve the issue.
If a professor can login, but does not have the necessary role to manage their students:
- Create a ticket with the professor's information and what class they are teaching and at what campus.
- Escalate to T2 Support Team for the professors campus. Some combination of T2, CITL, or ArcGIS Portal admin will change the professor's role to "UMS Instructors".
If someone is looking for an ArcGIS Pro Offline license or ArcGIS Desktop license:
- ArcGIS Desktop is no longer licensed by ESRI or UMS. Users must sign in to ArcGIS online to activate their account. Once the account has been activated, users can sign into ArcGIS Pro installed locally. Users will be able to use the license offline, but must connect to the network and activate their license once every 30 days.
If someone had the installed version of ArcGIS Pro connected to the license manager at UMS:
- ArcGIS discontinued license manager served licenses for all ArcGIS applications and users must sign into to activate their account to sign into the app.
- If the app does not allow you to sign in or the option to change from license server is greyed out, please uninstall ArcGIS Pro from your computer and reinstall. Then sign in with your UMS email and password to activate your license.
- ArcGIS
- Web-Based Portal