How do I Subscribe/Unsubscribe from UMS Listserv?


Step by step instructions to subscribe or unsubscribe from UMS Listserv lists and notifications.


Step by step instructions to subscribe or unsubscribe from UMS Listserv lists and notifications.


To Subscribe or Unsubscribe from UMS Listserv you you will need to go to

  1. You will need to create an account here.  
  2. Select Get Password (on the right side of the screen) suggest using your address as your username.  
  3. You will receive a temporary password.  
    • Change it to something you will remember.  
    • This password is NOT synched with your other passwords.
  4. Once you have established your account, go to Log in.
  5. After you are logged in, you will see an alphabetical list of lists that are available to subscribe.
    • Select the one you would like to join and click Subscribe or Unsubscribe (on the right) as needed.
  6. Check that the info displayed is correct and click Subscribe (to add Listserv) or Unsubscribe (to remove Listserv).
WARNING: Some listervs require special permissions or a direct link to sign up. There are also plenty that are less active or inactive. One link that may be helpful if your target listerv is not on the regular list is the Subscription Management page, which has several assorted listervs across multiple campuses. That can be found at this link: Subscription Management.


UMS Email Listserv lists all campuses (Web)





Article ID: 137711
Thu 1/20/22 2:41 PM
Tue 7/25/23 7:54 AM
Applies To