Docking Personal Laptops in USM Computer labs


There are several USB-C Dell Docking stations available in the Luther Bonney Lab and the 3rd floor of Glickman Library which are connected to two external monitors (‘displays’). Students, Faculty and Staff may connect their personal computers (Mac or Windows) to these stations instead of needing to use the lab-provided desktops.


There are several USB-C Dell Docking stations available in the Luther Bonney Lab, the Bailey Library and the 3rd floor of Glickman Library which are connected to an external monitor (‘display’).  Students, Faculty and Staff may connect their personal computers (Mac or Windows) to these stations instead of using a lab desktop.

Detailed Information

Windows (10)

Change display options

After you're connected to your external display, you can customize settings like your resolution, screen layout, and more. To see the available options, Right-click on your desktop and select ‘Display settings’. Scrolling down will then reveal many options that can be changed.

Rearrange your displays

You'll see this option at the Top of ‘Display Settings’ when Windows detects more than one display. Each display will be represented with a small numbered box. (The box filled in blue is your main screen.) If you click on the ‘Identify’ button a number will appear on each display to confirm which numbered box it's represented by. If you connected another display and it isn't showing you may need to click on the ‘Detect’ button. 

If you have multiple displays, you can change how they're arranged by dragging the numbered boxes into whatever configuration you want. Do this with all the displays you want to move. When you're happy with the layout, select Apply. Test your new layout by moving your mouse pointer across the different displays to make sure it moves between screens the way you expect. 

Additional details on How to use multiple monitors for Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC’s.


  • Is the docking station and the monitor each obviously getting power?  If not confirm their power cables are tightly connected at both ends
  • Is the monitor getting a signal from your laptop? If not, confirm its connecting cable is tightly connected at both ends.
  • If the monitor isn't working try turning it off for a few seconds.
  • Try restarting the laptop.

MacOS (Monterey)

Connect the displays

(See the Apple Support article ‘Connect a display to your Mac’).

If your Mac doesn’t detect a connected display:

On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click 'Displays'.

Click the 'Detect Displays' button. (You may need to press the Option key to see the 'Detect Displays' button.)

Set up the displays as an extended desktop

You can arrange your displays in any configuration to create an extended desktop. For example, you can set your external display side by side with your Mac to create one large continuous desktop.

On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click Displays , then click Display Settings. Click the name of your display, then choose Extend Display from the pop-up menu.

Set up the displays for video mirroring

Video mirroring shows the entire desktop on each display.

Note: You must be connected to a display to see these options.

On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click Displays , then click Display Settings. Select your display, then choose Mirror for Display from the pop-up menu.

Details on configuring Display settings for other MacOS versions can be found on Apple’s website. (including how to set some displays for mirroring and others for an extended desktop).


  • Is the docking station and the monitor each obviously getting power?  If not confirm their power cables are tightly connected at both ends
  • Is the monitor getting a signal from your laptop? If not, confirm its connecting cable is tightly connected at both ends.
  • If the monitor isn't working try turning it off any for a few seconds.
  • Try quickly disconnecting and reconnecting the USB-C cables few times
  • Try putting your Mac to sleep and then waking it.
  • Try restarting your Mac


  • Windows and Mac laptops that have a USB-C connector located in the Luther Bonney and 3rd Floor Glickman computer labs.


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Article ID: 138916
Thu 12/8/22 9:38 AM
Tue 10/1/24 2:15 PM
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