This is a brief guide outlining how to find the MAC Address of your Windows device. This guide assumes you are already logged into your device.
- Open Command Prompt by searching for CMD in the Windows Start Menu
- Type the following: ipconfig /all
- Hit Enter
* If you are looking for the Ethernet MAC Address, you will want the entry that reads "Ethernet adapter Ethernet"
* If you are looking for the Wi-Fi MAC Address, you will want the entry that reads "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi"
* If you are looking for the Docking Station MAC Address, you will want the entry that reads "Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2". If you do not see Ethernet 2, you can generally tell the entries apart by the Description entry. Docking Stations usually have verbiage similar to "Realtek USB GbE Family Controller"
- Search for the entry that reads Physical Address. This is your device's MAC Address