Scope: This article will cover the process to record a person’s external subject areas of interest.
Purpose: This article supplies detailed documentation on the process for entering a person’s external subject area of interest, no matter if the area of interest isn’t offered at their academic career level.
Detailed Information
This script will describe how to record a person’s external subject areas of interest, whether or not they are offered at your career. You can also record the person’s level of academic interest. For example, Pre- Law could be a person’s first priority and Biology could be the person’s second. You can use this information for recruiting purposes by determining what areas you offer that are similar to those recorded. This information is also valuable for reporting and academic program planning purposes.
MaineStreet > Enterprise Applications > Campus Solutions-Reporting DB > Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Academic Information > Academic Interests
MaineStreet > Enterprise Applications > Campus Solutions-Reporting DB > Student Admissions > Application Entry > Academic Information > Academic Interests
Step 1 the Academic Interests Search Page

- Entering Search Criteria
- ID: If you know the student’s EMPLID, enter it here. This is the most efficient way to search for a student.
- Institution: Enter your institution code.
- Academic Career: Enter the academic career for which you wish to record event information for the individual.
- Campus ID: The University of Maine System is not currently using the Campus ID.
- National ID: If you know the student’s National ID number (Social Security Number for USA, Social Insurance Number for Canada), enter it here.
- Last Name: You can enter a portion of the last name as search criteria.
- First Name: You can enter a portion of the first name as search criteria.
- Click to continue or to have the system clear all of the text boxes so you can start again.
Step 2: Entering Academic Interest Data
When you have completed navigation, you will be presented with the Academic Interests page. Note that you can enter (or delete) additional academic interests using the buttons under the Subject Area section.

- Effective Date - Enter the effective date if it is different than the default, or current date. The effective date defines when the information you enter is valid.
- Use Priority - Select this check box to prioritize a person’s academic interests by level of enthusiasm and rank the interests in the Priority boxes that appear on each line. If not checked, the priority column and boxes do not appear and Academic interests are sort alphabetically by Subject code.
- Subject Area - Select a subject area. (Define additional external subject areas on the External Subject Table page). Once you save the record, the description for this subject appears.
- If the person expressed an interest for which no subject area code is defined, leave the Subject Area field blank and enter a free-form description as shown in the third entry (Basket Weaving) in the picture below.
- Data Source - Select how this information was provided to your institution. For example, you can have received this information directly from the applicant or through a data load. Values for this field are delivered with the system.
- Priority - The academic interest priority feature assists your enrollment management and recruiting efforts. Enter a priority level, for example 1, 2, 3, and so forth. 1 is the highest priority. The default for this field is selected if you have enabled the Use Priority Academic Interest feature above in step 2.2.
- Click to save your changes.
- Transfer To - Select the component that you want to go to for this person and click the button. The system takes you directly to the component for this person, application, or prospect record.
Applies to
- System-wide
- All admissions staff including tele-counselors. Athletics, Colleges/Academic departments.
- Any employee entering or updating Academic Interests.