DEPT_TBL - Finance Departments



WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This table includes Financial Departments, Descriptions with structural field details

Detailed Information  

This is the PeopleSoft legacy Finance Department Table that will be replaced or duplicated in the ERP Cloud implementation

Data Systems

PeopleSoft Financials FNPRD

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text
  ACCIDENT_INS - Accident Insurance Char3   Accnt_ins
  ACCOUNTING_OWNER - Accounting Owner Char30   Acct Owner
  APS_AGENT_CD_AUS - Agency Code Num3.0   Agency Code
  BUDGETARY_ONLY - Budgetary Only Char1   Bud. Only
  BUDGET_DEPTID - Budget with Department Char10   Budget Dept
  BUDGET_LVL - Budget Level Char1 N Budget Lvl
  BUDGET_YR_END_DT - Budget Year End Date Num4.0   Yr End Dt
  CAN_IND_SECTOR - Canadian Industrial Sector Char3   Ind Sector
  CLASS_UNIT_NZL - Classification Unit Char5   Class Unit
  COMPANY - Company Char3   Co
  COUNTRY_GRP - Country Group Char18   Country Group
Key DEPTID - Department Char10   Dept
  DEPT_TENURE_FLG - Can Grant Tenure Char1   Can Grant
  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr
  DESCRLONG - Description Text   Descr
  DESCRSHORT - Short Description Char10   Short Desc
  DIST_PRORATE_OPTN - Distribution Prorate Option Char1 N Dist Optn
  EEO4_FUNCTION - U.S. EEO4 Function Char2   EEO4 Fcn
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date
  EFF_STATUS - Status as of Effective Date Char1 N Status
  ESTABID - Establishment ID Char12   Estab ID
  FTE_EDIT_INDC - FTE Edit Indicator Char1 N FTE Edit
  GL_EXPENSE - GL Account #-Expense Char35   GL-Expense
  GVT_DESCR40 - Description Char40   Descr
  GVT_PAR_DESCR2 - PAR Line 2 Description Char40   PAR2 Descr
  GVT_PAR_DESCR3 - PAR Line 3 Description Char40   PAR3 Descr
  GVT_PAR_DESCR4 - PAR Line 4 Description Char40   PAR4 Descr
  GVT_PAR_DESCR5 - PAR Line 5 Description Char40   PAR5 Descr
  GVT_PAR_LINE2 - Concur ID Char10   Conc ID
  GVT_PAR_LINE3 - PAR Line 3 Department ID Char10   PAR Line 3
  GVT_PAR_LINE4 - PAR Line 4 Department ID Char10   PAR Line 4
  GVT_PAR_LINE5 - PAR Line 5 Department ID Char10   PAR Line 5
  GVT_SUB_AGENCY - Sub-Agency Char2   Sub-Agency
  HAZARD - Hazard Char4   Hazard
  HP_STATS_DEPT_CD - Stats Can Dept Code Char3   Stats Can Dept
  HP_STATS_FACULTY - Faculty Code Char5   Faculty Code
  IND_COMMITTEE_BEL - Industrial Committee Char3   Indus Committee
  LOCATION - Location Code Char10   Location
  MANAGER_ID - Manager ID Char11   MgrID
  MANAGER_NAME - Manager Name Char30   Manager
  MANAGER_POSN - Manager Position Char8   Mgr Posn
  NACE_CD_BEL - NACE Code Char10   NACE
  ORG_UNIT_AUS - Organizational Unit Char4   Org. Unit
  RISKCD - Risk Code Char6   RSK CD
  RTBL_DATA - RTBL Data Char1   RTBL Data
Key SETID - SetID Char5   SetID
  SETID_LOCATION - Location SetID Char5   Location SetID
  SI_ACCIDENT_NUM - Social Insurance Accident # Char15   SI_accdnt#
  SYNCDTTM - Sync Date Time DateTm   Sync Date Time
  SYNCID - Synchronization ID Num10.0   Sync ID
  TAX_LOCATION_CD - Tax Location Code Char10   Tax Loc
  TL_DISTRIB_INFO - Use TL Distribution? Char1   Use TL Distrib?
  USE_BUDGETS - Use Budgeting Feature? Char1   Use Budgets?
  USE_DISTRIBUTION - Use Paycheck Distribution? Char1   Use Distrib?
  USE_ENCUMBRANCES - Use Encumbrance Processing? Char1   Use Encumb?
  WORK_SECTOR_AUS - Work Sector Char1 N Work Sector




Article ID: 158749
Fri 5/10/24 4:25 AM
Wed 7/31/24 8:20 AM
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