ACAD_PROG - Student Academic Program



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This table includes student's academic program information and it is Effective Dated.

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Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions  CSPRD and Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text
Key ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4 N Career
  ACAD_LOAD_APPR - Approved Academic Load Char1 N Acad Load
  ACAD_PROG - Academic Program Char5   Acad Prog
  ACAD_PROG_DUAL - Dual Academic Program Char5   Dual Prog
  ACTION_DT - Action Date Date   Action Date
  ADMIT_TERM - Admit Term Char4   Admit Term
  ADM_APPL_NBR- Application Nbr Char8   Appl Nbr
  APPL_PROG_NBR - Application Program Nbr Num3.0   Prog Nbr
  CAMPUS - Campus Char5   Campus
  COMPLETION_TERM - Completion Term Char4   Compl Term
  DATA_FROM_ADM_APPL - Data from Admissions Appl Char1   From Adm
  DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT - Degree Checkout Status Char2 N ChkoutStat
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date
Key EFFSEQ - Effective Sequence Num3.0   Sequence
Key EMPLID- Empl ID Char11   ID
  EXP_GRAD_TERM - Expected Graduation Term Char4   Exp Grad
  INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution
  JOINT_PROG_APPR - Joint Program Approved Char1   Joint Program
  PROG_ACTION - Program Action Char4   Prog Actn
  PROG_REASON - Action Reason Char4   Action Rsn
  PROG_STATUS - Academic Program Status Char4 N Status
  REQ_TERM - Requirement Term Char4   Req Term
  SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM - Created DateTm   Created
  SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID - Created By Char30   Created By
  SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM - Last Update Date/Time DateTm   Updated
  SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID - Updated By Char30   By
  SSR_APT_INSTANCE - APT Instance Num3.0   Instance
  SSR_COHORT_ID - Cohort Tag Char12   Cohort Tag
  SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR - Candidate Number Char12   Can Nbr
  SSR_SHIFT - Academic Shift Char12   Academic Shift
  SSR_YR_OF_PROG - Year of Program Char4 N Year of Program
Key STDNT_CAR_NBR - Student Career Nbr Num3.0   Career Nbr



Article ID: 158800
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Wed 7/31/24 9:17 AM
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