ACAD_PROG_TBL - Academic Program Table



WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password


This table includes the list of academic program and plan for all institutions.

Detailed Information  

Selecting the linked (blue) fields in any table will take you to the UMS Data Cookbook or a detailed TeamDynamix page and provide you with more information about that field as well as field values if they are available.

Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions  CSPRD and Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text
  ACAD_CALENDAR_ID - Academic Calendar Char4   Calendar
  ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4   Career
  ACAD_GROUP - Academic Group Char5   Acad Group
  ACAD_ORG - Academic Organization Char10   Acad Org
  ACAD_PLAN - Academic Plan Char10   Acad Plan
Key ACAD_PROG - Academic Program Char5   Acad Prog
  ACAD_PROG_DUAL - Dual Academic Program Char5   Dual Prog
  ACAD_STDNG_RULE - Academic Standing Rule Char10   Acad Stdng
  ADVISOR_EDIT - Advisor Edit Char1 N Advr Edit
  ASSOC_PROG_AS - Associate with Academic Prog Char1   Assoc Prog
  ASSOC_PROG_HA - Associate with Academic Prog Char1   Assoc Prog
  CALC_AS_BATCH_ONLY - Calculate in Batch Only Char1   Calc Batch
  CALC_HA_BATCH_ONLY - Calculate in Batch Only Char1   Calc Batch
  CAMPUS - Campus Char5   Campus
  CANCEL_REASON - Cancel Drop Reason Char4   Reason
  CAR_PTR_EXC_FG - Only if Outside Career Char1   ExCar Only
  CAR_PTR_EXC_RULE - Career Pointer Exception Rule Char10   CP ExcRule
  CIP_CODE - CIP Code Char13   CIP Code
  CMPLTD_NOTE_ID - Completed Transcript Note ID Char4   Note ID
  CRSE_COUNT_ENRL - Course Count Enrollment Char1   CC Enr Ctl
  CRSE_COUNT_MIN - Min Course Count to Count Num3.2   Min CC
  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr
  DESCRSHORT - Short Description Char10   Short Desc
  DROP_PEN_GRADE - Drop with Penalty Grade Char3   Grade
  DROP_PEN_GRADE_2 - Drop with Penalty Grade Char3   Grade
  DROP_PEN_GRD_BAS - Drop with Penalty Grade Basis Char3   Grd Basis
  DROP_PEN_GRD_BAS_2 - Drop with Penalty Grade Basis2 Char3   Grd Basis
  DROP_RET_RSN - Drop Reasn for Retained Record Char4   Reason
  EFF_STATUS - Status as of Effective Date Char1 N Status
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_AS_1 - Exclude Term Category 1 Char1   Ex Cat 1
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_AS_2 - Exclude Term Category 2 Char1   Ex Cat 2
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_AS_3 - Exclude Term Category 3 Char1   Ex Cat 3
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_HA_1 - Exclude Term Category 1 Char1   Ex Cat 1
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_HA_2 - Exclude Term Category 2 Char1   Excl Cat 2
  EXCL_TRM_CAT_HA_3 - Exclude Term Category 3 Char1   Excl Cat 3
  FA_ELIGIBILITY - Program Eligibility Flag Char1   Eligible
  FA_PRIMACY_NBR - Primacy Nbr Num3.0   Primacy
  FEE_CODE - Fee Code Char6   Fee Code
  FIRST_TERM_VALID - First Term Valid Char4   First Term
  GRADE_TRANSFER - Default Grade- Transfer Credit Char3   Transfer Grade
  GRADING_BASIS - Grading Basis Char3   Grading
  GRADING_SCHEME - Grading Scheme Char3   Grd Scheme
  HEGIS_CODE - HEGIS Code Char8   HEGIS Code
  HONOR_AWARD_RULE - Honor Award Rule Char10   Hnr Awd Rl
  HONOR_DT_FG - Honor and Award Date Flag Char4 N Hnr Aw Flg
  INCOMPLETE_GRADE - Incomplete Grade Char3   Inc Grade
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution
  LAPSE_DAYS - Lapse Days Num4.0   Lapse Days
  LAPSE_GRADE - Lapse Grade Char1   Lapse Grd
  LAPSE_NOTE_ID - Lapse Transcript Note ID Char4   Lapse Note ID
  LAPSE_TO_GRADE - Lapse To Grade Char3   Lapse Grd
  LEVEL_LOAD_RULE - Academic Level Rule Char5   Level Rule
  OBEY_FULLY_GRD_AS - Obey Fully Graded Date Char1   Obey Grade Dt
  OBEY_FULLY_GRD_HA - Obey Fully Graded Date Char1   Obey Graded Dt
  OEE_IND - Allow OEE Enrollment Char1   Allow OEE Enrl
  PRINT_CMPLTD_DATE - Print Completed Date Char1   Print Date
  PRINT_LAPSE_DATE - Print Lapse Date Char1   Print Date
  PROG_NORM_COMPLTN - IPEDS Normal Completion (yrs) Num3.0   Completion
  PROG_REASON - Action Reason Char4   Action Rsn
  REPEAT_CRSE_ERROR - Course Catalog Repeat Message Char1 N CCat Rpt Msg
  REPEAT_ENRL_CTL - Process on Enrollment Char1 N Proc on Enrl
  REPEAT_ENRL_SUSP - Temp Susp Rpt Ck on Enrl Char1   Temp Susp Flag
  REPEAT_GRD_CK - Repeat Grade Check Char1 N Rpt Grd Check
  REPEAT_GRD_SUSP - Temp Susp Rpt Ck on Grading Char1   Temp Susp Flag
  REPEAT_RULE - Repeat Rule Char10   Repeat Rule
  REQUIRED_GPA - Required GPA Num6.3   Required
  RESIDENCY_REQ - Requires Residency Coding Char1 N Res Coded
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_ADVR - Show In What-If Advisor Char1   Show Advisor
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_PREM - Show in What-If Prematric Std Char1   Show Premat Std
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_STD - Show in What-If Student Char1   Show Student
  SCC_SFP_AY_I_UNTS - Instructional Weeks Required Num6.3   Weeks Required
  SCC_SFP_AY_UNIT - Academic Year Unit Measurement Char4 N Unit Measure
  SCC_SFP_AY_UNTS - Academic Year Units Required Num6.3   Units Required
  SCC_SFP_PROG_UNIT - Program Measurement Unit Char4 N Program Unit
  SCC_SFP_REQ_UNTS - Total Required Units Num6.3   Total Units
  SPLIT_OWNER - Split Ownership Char1   Split Ownr
  SSR_GRAD_CHRG_FEE - Charge a Graduation Fee Char1   Charge a Fee
  SSR_GRAD_PAY_REQ - Self Service Payment Required Char1   Payment Req
  SSR_GRAD_SETP_OVRD - Override Institution Setup Char1   Override Instit
  SSR_GRAD_STATUS - Graduation Review Status Char4   Grad Rev Status
  SSR_LAST_ADM_TERM - Last Admit Term Char4   Last Admit
  SSR_LAST_PRS_DT - Last Prospect Date Date   Last Prospect
  SSR_SFP_BBAY_IND - Borrower Based Term Indicator Char1   BBAY
  SSR_SFP_BBY_TRM_AY - Borrower Based Terms Per Year Num3.0   Terms Per ACY
  SSR_SFP_PLAN_IND - Academic Plan Indicator Char1   Use Plan
  SSR_SFP_PROJ_CRSE - Projected Course Label Char50   Label
  SSR_USE_GRAD_TRACK - Use Graduation Tracking Char1   Grad Tracking
  TRANSCRIPT_LEVEL - Transcript Level Char2 N Tran Level
  WD_W_PEN_GRADE - Withdraw with Penalty Grade Char3   Grade
  WD_W_PEN_GRD_BAS - Withdraw w/ Pen Grading Basis Char3   Grd Basis
  WD_W_PEN2_GRADE - Withdraw with Penalty 2 Grade Char3   Grade
  WD_W_PEN2_GRD_BAS - Withdraw w/ Pen2 Grading Basis Char3   Grd Basis
  WD_WO_PEN_REASON - Withdraw Drop Rsn No Penalty Char4   Reason




Article ID: 158801
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Wed 7/31/24 9:23 AM
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