EXT_DEGREE - External Degrees


This table contains students' degree information from external institutions including high school diplomas

Detailed Information


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

For first-year applicants, in theory, what is in ADM_APPL_DATA and EXT_DEGREE should match. The data could be off by only a few days. For transfer applicants, you would need to look at the ext_degree table for this information. The data in both tables are entered manually and one does not flow to the other.

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Note
  DEGREE - Degree Char8   Degree

The completed list of degrees
can be pulled from DEGREE_TBL
Here are some examples:
GED  - General Education Develop Test
HISET - HiSET - High Sch Equival Test
HSD  - High School Diploma

  DEGREE_DT - Degree Date Date   Deg Dt  
  DEGREE_STATUS - Degree Status Char1 N Deg Status

C - Complete
D - Discontinued
I - In Progress
N - Incomplete
W - Waived

  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr  
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  EXT_CAREER - External Career Char4 N Career
some examples:
AGRD - Graduate UMA
AHS   - High School UMA
AUGD - Undergraduate UMA
FGRD - Graduate UMF
FHS   - High School UMF
FUGD  - Undergraduate UMF
GRAD - Graduate
HS     - High School
IGRD - Graduate UMPI
IHS   - High School UMPI
IUGD - Undergraduate UMPI
  EXT_DATA_NBR - External Data Nbr Num3.0   Data Nbr  
Key EXT_DEGREE_NBR - External Degree Number Num3.0   Degree Nbr  
Key EXT_ORG_ID - External Org ID Char11   Org ID EXT_ORG_TBL
  EXT_SUBJ_AREA_1 - External Subject Area 1 Char4   Subject 1 EXT_SUBJECT_TBL
  EXT_SUBJ_AREA_2 - External Subject Area 2 Char4   Subject 2 EXT_SUBJECT_TBL
  FIELD_OF_STUDY_1 - Field of Study 1 Char30   Study Fld1  
  FIELD_OF_STUDY_2 - Field of Study 2 Char30   Study Fld2  
  HONORS_CATEGORY - Honors Category Char4 N Category
CL   - Cum Laude
MCL  - Magna Cum Laude
NONE - None
RC   - FA1 Rigor Met By Courses
RHST - FA7 Rigor-Pend Final HS Tran
RMAP - FA2 Rigor Met by AP/IP
RNOT - FA6 Rigor Not Met
RPAP - FA3 Rigor Pending AP/IP
RSCI - FA5 Rigor Met State Schol Init
RSH  - FA4 Rigor Met State Honor Prog
SCL  - Summa Cum Laude
  LS_DATA_SOURCE - Data Source Char3 N Data Srce
A8  - TEAS Degree Information
ACT - American College Testing
AE  - Ad-Hoc Employee
AO  - Ad-Hoc Organizational
CB  - College Board
CNV - Conversion
DUO - Duolingo
E   - Extract
ETS - Educational Testing Service
GH  - OLSAS Last Secondary-G2
IB  - International Baccalaureate
IEL - International Eng Lang Testing
PI  - Prev/Post Secondary Info
PTE - Pearson Test of English
RS  - OLSAS Postsecondary Info
SCH - School
SLF - Self-Reported Information
TPD - Thomson Prometric - DSST
WWW - World Wide Web


External Degrees Data Page in PeopleSoft



Article ID: 158825
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Thu 9/19/24 1:49 PM
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