ADMIT_TYPE on the UM_STUD_EXTRACT table was returned for multiple admit terms. This issue was discovered and corrected in July 2021
Detailed Information
ADMIT_TYPE on the UM_STUD_EXTRACT table was entered for multiple admit terms.
On the first step in the SQR, ADMIT_TYPE is pulled from the ADM_APPL_DATA - Admission Application Data table, and joined by EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER, and ADM_APPL_NBR from the ACAD_PROG - Student Academic Program table.
Then, there is an additional job that fills in ADMIT_TYPE when ADMIT_TYPE is blank and ACAD_PROG is not in ( 'NDUG', 'DIST', 'DLL').
This additional job causes multiple ADMIT_TYPEs in multiple ADMIT_TERMs.
- CSPRT - Campus Solutions Production and CRRPT - Campus Solutions Reporting
Example: This student looks like s/he was admitted 7 times (7 different ADMIT_TERMs with ADMIT_TYPE of FYR). The ADMIT_TYPE should have been entered only for the ADMIT_TERM of '0386'.
- PeopleSoft Campus Solutions