Report an Employee Injury (including student employees)

**This form includes student employees**

Please note that within the first 10 days after injury, the employer does have the right to direct care. For a list of preferred providers, please go the Risk Management Portal Page or reach out to Risk Management directly. Please know that it is the injured employee's supervisor that is responsible for completing this incident report. Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Additionally, The University does not require injured employees to use sick time when missing work due to the related injury. For assistance with time code usage for injured employees please reach out to Risk Management.

If the injured employee was unable to work their full shift on the date of injury only, the WCOS code will need to be utilized on their time-sheet for the remainder of their scheduled shift for that day only. Should the employee have any medical appointments related to the injury that they must leave work for after the day of injury they should use the WCAS code. For salaried employees who have lost time due to injury, please use UNPAID code for those hours. Hourly employees with lost time should not enter anything for those hours.

Please reach out to Risk Management with any questions.  (207) 621-3098


More resources can be found on the Risk Management portal page. To access please click the link below.


Also Known As

  • Workers compensation
  • Incident report
  • File an incident report

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff

Access to UMS Services is based upon the UMS Account Life Cycle Policy.

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Service ID: 51345
Mon 5/1/23 12:30 PM
Mon 11/20/23 2:06 PM