Digital Technology Product Compliance Status Database (includes accessibility conformance)

The university maintains results of digital product compliance reviews, including Accessibility status, in the Digital Technology Product Compliance Status database. (requires UMS login)


How to check the status of a digital technology

  1. Open the database
  2. Login using your UMSID if prompted
  3. Select the "Products" tab in the upper right area of the window
  4. Scroll down until you find the product you are interested in (in the first column "Name"). The list is sorted alphabetically.
  5. Alternately, click on the magnifying glass in the upper-right area of the window, type a string of characters to search for, and then press the Enter key.  The view will be FILTERED to rows that contain the string of characters in any column.
  6. Once you find the product you are interested in check the Accessibility Status and InfoSecurity Status columns.  If the statuses are anything other than "Unrestricted" then you must contact the IT Compliance team for instructions.

Use-cases Table

If you would like to see a list of use-cases for a technology (where specific sponsors/departments are using the technology) and details about those use-cases, Equally Effective Alternate Access Plans, etc., click on the "Use-cases" tab in the database and locate the technology that you are interested in using the same techniques as listed previously in this article.

Important notes about the database

  1. The "Products" tab includes general information about each product, including its Accessibility status.
  2. The "Use-cases" tab includes information about known uses of a technology in the UMS, such as whether an exemption applies, or whether an approved EEAAP is required or exists.
  3. A product may appear on multple rows of the Products tab if more than one version has been reviewed, or if the product contains sub-products that have been individually reviewed.
  4. Accessibility analysis and results are AS OF THE LAST DATE CHECKED.  Accessibility conformance of products vary over time.  Any products reviewed more than 3 years prior should be reviewed again before employing the product in a new capacity or for a university area that hasn't already been using it.
  5. Each Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) listed in the Use-cases tab, has its own SCOPE.  An EEAAP may allow use of the product for a single course or for the entire university system.  Do not assume that because a product is listed in the database with an approved EEAAP that it is ok for it be used without review for your specific use-case.
  6. In some cases product-related information provided to the university is not made widely available due to information security, non-disclosure or procurement requirements.  Contact the IT Compliance team if you need to access such restricted information. 

Columns and Values

Products Table

Field Values
Name Technology's name
Purpose Short but detailed description of what purpose the technology serves and/or what value it provides.
Accessibility Status

The technology's digital accessibility status in the UMS. Possible Statuses are:

  • Unrestricted - The technology may be employed by any university program, course, service or activity.  (However, other non-accessibility restrictions, such as licensing, may apply)
  • Training Required - The technology may only be employed after specific training is completed by the sponsor or operator(s).
  • Restricted - The technology may not be employed without written permission from the compliance team.
  • Review in Progress - The technology is being reviewed for digital accessibility conformance
InfoSecurity Status  
Accessibility Conformance
  • Unknown - The technology's accessibility conformance status is unknown. This may be because the supplier did not provide an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR/VPAT) or the technology has not been reviewed.
  • Substantially Compliant - The technology does not appear to present significant barriers to persons with disabilities.
  • Partially Compliant - The technology presents barriers, to persons with disabilities, that would typically result in less than equal opportunity
  • Non Compliant - The technology presents significant barriers to persons with disabilities and does not provide equal opportunity.
  • Reviewing - The technology is under review for accessibility conformance
Accessibility Notes May include information about specific barriers that the technology presents, detailed use-cases, etc.
Type Type of digital technology
Supplier Name Name of the company or person that manufactures the technology. Typically not the name of a reseller unless the reseller is also responsible for providing digital accessibility conformance information.
Website The TECHNOLOGY'S website
Accessibility 1st Checked The date the technology was first reviewed for accessibility conformance
Accessibility Checked by The person who reviewed the product's accessibility conformance
Accessibility Last Checked The date the technology was last reviewed for accessibility conformance
Attachments Supporting documents, e.g., Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR), HECVAT, etc.
ACR Date The date that the most recent Accessibility Conformance Report provided to the university was completed
Created The date the row was added to the db
Obsolete Checked if the db entry is obsolete and should not be referenced or relied upon.  Obsolete entries are normally excluded from display to users.

Use-cases Table

WARNING: Each row in the Use-cases table applies ONLY to the scope (such as sponsor and locations) listed in the use-case. Other use-cases require separate review
Name Technology's name (matches a single row in the Products table)
Campuses The locations that this use-case applies to.  A single use-case may apply to one or more university locations, or separate use-cases can apply to different uses of the same technology.
Sponsor The PERSON who is primarily responsible for the employment of the technology in a university program, course or activity.
Department The university DEPARTMENT that is primarily served by the technology, or the Sponsor's department

Accessibility Exemption

Exemption, if any, from the accessibility conformance requirements: List of standard use-case exemptions.

  • Exempt for Use-case - The general use case of the technology exempts it from the need for accessibility conformance.  Such technologies may not be used for other use-cases without review. 
  • Assistive Technology - The technology is exempt from accessibility conformance requirements because it is an assistive technology intended for use by persons with a specific disability
  • Small Employee-only Workgroup - applicable when a technology is used by one, or a few, employees, and is not exposed to students, a general campus population or members of the public.  ADA requirements still apply and the department employing the technology may be required to make reasonable accommodations in the case of an employee who has a disability that affects use of the technology.
  • Limited Project use - temporary authorization in situations where students, a general campus population, or members of the public are not exposed to the technology.
EEAAP Status

Shows the status of an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan for the technology:

  • EEAAP Required
  • EEAAP Not Required
  • EEAAP Approved
  • EEAAP Waived Temporarily
Use-case Notes Notes about the use-case
Status When Reviewed The status of the use of the technology for the use-case when review was requested
EEAAP Date Date an EEAAP was approved
EEAAP Providers Persons/departments responsible under the EEAAP for providing the Equally Effective Alternate Access
EEAAP Link Clickable link to the EEAAP
Created The date the db entry was created
Obsolete Checked if the db entry is obsolete and should not be referenced or relied upon.  Obsolete entries are normally excluded from display to users.

Other Accessibility Databases

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Article ID: 134739
Mon 7/26/21 12:29 PM
Fri 1/20/23 12:23 PM
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Ensuring equal access for persons with disabilities to Digital Technologies