When Is Digital Technology Accessibility Review Required?

When is Digital Technology Accessibility Review required?


Digital Accessibility Review is required during acquisition or procurement if any of the following are true:

  1. Humans interact with the product or service electronically (using a computer, mobile device, tablet, phone, control panel, etc.).
  2. Using the product or service involves a website, web browser, etc..
  3. The product or service INCLUDES electronic materials, such as video, audio, pdf files, e-books, music, information databases, etc.
  4. The product or service PRODUCES electronic materials such as electronic reports or communications such as email.
INFO: "Acquisition" includes employing a technology that has no cost.  Reviews not requested and completed during acquisition or procurement may be required at any time.

Review is NOT required only if the product or service is listed in the Digital Technology Accessibility Product Status database, and was last checked for accessibility within the past two years, AND:

  • the technology is listed as "Substantially Compliant" and has a status of "Unrestricted", or;
  • you are listed as the technology sponsor in the database (there can be multiple entries for different sponsors for the same technology) and you were already granted an exemption, or;
  • you are renewing the technology under an existing approved Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan

Review is required for a new sponsor or department interested in, or using, a previously reviewed technology that is listed in the Status Database with any status other than "Unrestricted".


In the following SPECIFIC cases, Digital Accessibility Review is required but the use of the product may be exempt from accessibility requirements.  The review process will establish whether an exemption applies.

    The product or service will be used by office employees or faculty only and:
    1. Students, nor student employees, will never have an OPPORTUNITY to use the product or service.
    2. The general public will never have an OPPORTUNITY to use the product or service.
    3. The sponsoring department head agrees that the exception could be withdrawn in the future based on changed circumstances, such as employee disability status..
    4. The product or service will never be used as part of an academic program or course.
  1. The product or service is used solely by University contractors and has no university employee, student or public facing digital human interface
  2. The product or service is used solely by University facilities or IT maintenance staff for the operation, maintenance, management, etc. of physical equipment, e.g., electrical controls, HVAC, network equipment, etc.
  3. The product or service is an assistive technology used by persons with disabilities, e.g., a screen-reader, screen-magnifier, etc.
    1. Website accessibility overlay tools, such as "Accessibe" are NOT assistive technology and do not qualify for this exception.
  4. An approved Departmental EEAAP (DEEAAP) exists for the type of technology being acquired and identical use-case, in the same university department, for the new, or renewing technology. Instead of a full accessibility review the DEEAAP department can request that the new technology be added to the DEEAAP.


Article ID: 134923
Fri 7/30/21 4:13 PM
Fri 4/7/23 11:03 AM
Applies To

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