How are Project Requests Reviewed?

When a UMS faculty or staff member has an idea for an IT Project, a Project Request Form should be completed and submitted.  This article outlines the review process and what the requester can expect.

If you'd like to submit a Project Request, please visit the Project Management page in our Service Catalog.

Detailed Information

Receipt of Request & Initial Notifications

  1. When a request is received by the Project Management Office (PMO), one of our Project Managers (the Reviewer) will carefully read the request and may reach out to you for more information if clarification is needed.
  2. You will receive an email that confirms that we have received your request.
  3. An email will be sent to the heads of all IT departments making them aware of your request.  
  4. If the request may require the services of UMS Strategic Procurement, a notification will be sent to that department for awareness.

Initial Review by IT Teams

  1. The Reviewer will determined which IT  teams and areas may be involved in the project or impacted by the request
  2. Information will be sent to each of the impacted teams and they will have 7 days to review the request and document any questions that they have

Preliminary Meeting

  1. A Zoom meeting will be scheduled with the Requester, project sponsor, and representatives from each of the impacted IT teams. This is an opportunity for the IT teams to ask any questions that they may have and clarify the request as needed. 
    • Typical areas of discussion include:
      • Data integrations
      • Authentication 
      • Need for infrastructure such as networking or servers
      • Digital Accessibility
      • Information Security 
      • Support Needs
  2. The requester / sponsor will have an opportunity to share any additional information they have
  3. Impacted IT Teams will begin to estimate the resources and effort required to complete the request

Project Request Review Team 

The IT Project Review team is scheduled to meet monthly and considers all Project Requests that have been received.

The Project Review Team may:

  • Request additional information
  • Determine that the request can be fulfilled using our ticketing system, but is not a Project
  • Refer the Request to an IT Solutions Analyst to better understand needs and requirements  (the Project Review Team may reconsider the request once this work is completed)
  • Send the request to Strategic Procurement (a second review is required after a solution is selected through the procurement process prior to a contract being executed)
  • Approve the request - approved requests will be prioritized and scheduled pending availability of resources.

You will be notified of the results of the Project Review Team meeting and next steps will be shared with you.

Approved Projects

Once a project is approved, the PMO will work with the sponsor, impacted IT teams and functional stakeholders to refine the effort estimate, identify resources to work on the project and estimate when resources may be available. A project may not immediately begin depending on resource availability. 


  • Project Request Review

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