What are TDX Task Templates and what can they do?

Task Templates are used in when the workflow for a ticket can be broken down into a set of simple tasks. This article talks about what Task Templates are and what they can and cannot do.

Detailed Information

What are task templates

Task Templates are set of tasks that can be applied to a ticket. The set of tasks in a Task Template can be linear or accomplished in parallel.

What can task templates do

  • Provide a set of tasks that can be applied to a ticket and used to guide the fulfilment of that ticket.
  • Tasks can be presented as
    • a linear set of tasks (one after the other)
    • a set of parallel tasks (all can be worked on at anytime)
    • (or) a combination of both linear and parallel tasks

What can't task templates do

  • Task templates cannot make decisions  based on user input or contents of a ticket
  • Task templates cannot send notifications (other than assignment of the task)  to others


INFO: If you need to make decisions based on ticket contents or user input, or need to send notifications to others this can be accomplished with Workflows.


  • TDX Ticketing applications


Article ID: 139818
Tue 3/5/24 6:59 AM
Thu 3/7/24 10:01 AM
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