Student Military Leave Process

Scope: This article will cover the process to record a student’s military leave withdrawal as well as if the student returns.

Purpose: This article supplies detailed documentation on the process and options for processing a student’s withdrawal due to military mobilization, as well as for the student to return to UMS after the mobilization is over.

Detailed Information  

Withdrawal due to Military Leave


Students are sometimes mobilized for military duty during a semester which is already in progress. The Military Withdrawal process is initiated by the School Certifying Official (Student Veterans Office) and will be submitted by completing the following form in Perceptive (formerly ImageNow): Military Activation and Mobilization. This form starts with the student and the School Certifying Official, and is then routed through several offices. For more information, see the UMS Military Withdrawal Policy

Note: If the withdrawal indicates that it is for military purposes and there are no military orders attached, contact the student’s Dean’s Office/School Certifying Official

The steps below should be followed in the Registrars' Office to record the student's Military Leave and academic options.

Step I: Choose a Course Option

In the event of mobilization or activation during the semester and/or after the term drop period, service members are provided the following options:

Option 1: Withdrawal for Military Activation

A. Drop Courses

Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History

  • Click Term Withdrawal Tab – make sure you are on the right campus and the correct term
    • Withdrawal/Cancel:  Withdrew
    • Withdrawal/Cancel Reason: Administrative Decision (100%) 
    • Last Date of Attendance: date indicated on the orders (make sure no failing grades; check with the academic department or dean's office if there are failing grades)
    • Make sure Pro-Rata Eligible box is not checked
    • Hit Post Term Withdrawal button
    • Make sure it says “success”


B. Re-Calculate the Student’s Bill

Navigation: Student Financials > View Customer Accounts

  • Make sure the student's tuition and mandatory fees were adjusted at 100%. Other university fees (for example lab, material, or studio fees) may or may not be adjusted. Room and board adjustments will be pro-rated. If difficulty is encountered, please contact the bursar's office for your institution.

Students may pursue one of the following options in consultation with their instructors. Their choice for each enrolled course should be indicated on the military withdrawal form.

Option 2: Incomplete Grade

A student may request to take an incomplete grade in some or all of their courses. Students shall be allowed to complete specific work that remains unfinished as a result of activation or mobilization. See section 34 CFR §668.18(e) of the Student Assistance General Provisions, for the cumulative time of absence allowed.

Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request

  • Enter an Incomplete grade for each course.  

Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Student Term Information > Student Incomplete

  • Enter the lapse date, as indicated on the form, not to exceed five years. 

Students who receive an Incomplete grade in all or some of their courses shall have the time allowed under 34CFR which generally does not exceed five (5) years.

Option 3: Final Grade 

A student may request to receive a final grade in some or all of their courses based upon the student's work in their classes up to the date of mobilization/activation.

      • At UMaine, the student's Dean’s Office will submit a Change of Grade Form with the Final Grade. 
      • At all other campuses, the Registrars'/Student Records office should be contacted to receive information on reporting a final grade early.
  • When the grade is received in the Registrar's Office, enter the student's grades
  • Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request
Option 4: Final Exam

With this option, a student may request to take an early final examination in some courses in order that the instructor can determine a final course grade for the student. 

      • At UMaine, the student's Dean’s Office will submit a Change of Grade Form with the Final Grade. 
      • At all other campuses, the Registrars'/Student Records office should be contacted to receive information on reporting a final grade early.
  • When the grade is received in the Registrar's Office, enter the student's grades
  • Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request
Option 5: Combination 

A combination of options that best serves the students’ needs based on Military Orders, following the policies set forth above, may be selected. This option will result in a refund of that portion of tuition and fees paid for those courses that the student chooses to withdraw from (other non-course fees are not refunded).

With approval from the student's Dean’s Office, the student may choose different options for each class in which they are enrolled. (Class drop, Incomplete, final grade, final exam)

      • At UMaine, the student's Dean’s Office will submit a Change of Grade Form with the Final Grade. 
      • At all other campuses, contact the Registrars'/Student Records office to get information on reporting a final grade early.
    • When the grade is received in the Registrar's Office, enter the student's grades
    • Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request

Note: The amount that will not be refunded will be determined by the number of credit hours for which the student chooses to receive an incomplete or final grade.

Step II: Update Student’s Program Plan

Navigation: Records & Enrollment > Career & Program Information > Student Program/Plan > Student Program Tab

  • Program Action:  LEAV (Leave of Absence) 
  • Action Reason:   MILI (Military) 

See Program Actions & Reasons for more information (Note: The link takes you to confluence which requires you to be on a campus on connected to the UMS VPN)

Step III: Communication

Send out notifications as appropriate for your campus, such as:

  • Email the student’s adviser to inform them that the student has withdrawn from the university due to military obligations. 
  • Email a copy of the Military Withdrawal Form to the student's academic department or Dean’s Office. 


Return from Military Leave

Handle as you would any return from leave with the additional step below:

  • Verify to determine any missing or incomplete grades. See section 34 CFR §668.18(e) of the Student Assistance General Provisions, for the cumulative time of absence allowed.
  • Check with appropriate academic department as needed.

Applies To

  • System-Wide
  • Any employee entering a student’s withdrawal or return to UMS in their academic record due to Military activation.