Systemwide E-Waste Vendor Process

This article provides the E-Waste and procurement process information for our current E-Waste Vendor for disposal of University-owned electronics. For any additional questions, send an email to our IT Business Operations team.


Prior to scheduling a pickup, please consider taking these two actions:

  1. Contact other known areas on your campus to coordinate a pickup or 
  2. If you are in proximity with other locations, please reach out to your campus Director of Campus Technology lead (DCT) to discuss coordination efforts to save money.

E-Waste Procurement Process

Notes: Remove all Apple products from JAMF and Apple School Manager prior to disposing

When a pickup is needed:

  1. Create a MaineStreet Marketplace Purchase Order request with the details, contractor, and estimated total (see service costs below)
  2. This PO will trigger the Vendor upon receipt to schedule a pickup for the campus/group that initiated the PO.
  3. Once the pickup is completed the vendor will:
    1. Send the invoice and inventory attachment with the original PO# clearly noted on the invoice
    2. This will match the invoice to the exact PO# which contains the appropriate chartfield accounting information for the costs incurred
  4. The initiating campus/group will:
    1. Review the invoice/inventory attachment and
    2. Complete the receipt in MSMP with a comment to Accounts Payable that it is complete
  5. Accounts Payable can then initiate the corresponding payment to the vendor
  6. Update all TDX Assets status to "Disposed". See this Asset Management Life Cycle Status Article for reference.

Service Costs Breakdown (2024)

Roles/Position Rates
Operations Director n/a
Operations Manager n/a
Truck Driver $75 after the first ½ hour on site *

* The service fees in the Rates table include all of ITE's labor costs with the exception of the truck drivers time after the 1st 1/2 hour on site

Hardware Deliverables & Cost



Laptops, I5 or 7 series, gen 6+ ($18.00) in usable condition, unusable or broken $0
Laptops I series, gen 3-5 ($5.00) in usable condition, unusable or broken $0
Windows Tablets, i5 or 7, gen 6+ ($18.00) in usable condition, unusable or broken $0
Micro Form Factor Desktops, I5 or 7, GEN 6+ ($10.00) in usable condition, unusable or broken $0
Small –Mid Form Factor Desktops, I 5 or 7, gen 6 + ($5.00) in usable condition, unusable or broken $0
CRT TVs or Monitors, Flat Displays missing stands, damaged or < 19” $0.40 /lb
Desktop printers not mentioned $0.25 /lb
Large printers, consumer devices and other mixed electronics *See Important Notes Below
Non reusable tablets $1.00 /lb
Loose batteries and other universal wastes *See Important Notes Below
Drive Sanitization and Reuse (validated secure erasure, forensic sampling) $4.00 each
All other Drives – physical destruction, shredding, metals refining $8.00 each
Optical Disk and Flash media (SIM, SD, Thumbdrives, M.2) 2mm shred $10.00 /lb
Peripherals Recycling $0.25 /lb
Mixed Electronics Recycling $0.25 /lb
Alkaline Batteries Recycling $2.00 /lb
CFL's Recycling $1.00 /lb
HPS Lamps Recycling $3.00 each
MH Lamps Recycling $3.00 each
Copiers Recycling $0.30 /lb
Lithium Batteries Recycling $3.00 /lb
Lithium-ion Batteries Recycling $0.35 /lb
NiCad Batteries Recycling $1.25 /lb
NiMh Batteries Recycling $0.40 /lb
Packaging Supplies *See Important Notes Below
Shipping Options $1.00 / mile for multi stop pickup, $1.50 / mile for single stop pickup. No cost for drop off at our facility.

*Important Notes: Desktop computers, laptop computers, Windows tablets, servers and network (i.e. switches, firewalls, wireless controllers, SANs, NAS’s, etc) are processed at $0 cost to UMS. Newer networkable desktop laser printers in good condition have no cost and flat panel monitors 20” or larger with stand, display port and in good working condition are at no cost. Anything else that we can divert to reuse will not have a disposal fee. Loose batteries and other Universal Waste is something that ITE can assist with but depending on the materials the solution and cost may vary. ITE would work with UMS to implement the right solution for the problem at hand. ITE categorizes free standing copiers, scanner and printers in one category at $0.30 / lb and mixed electronics will have a minimum fee of $0.25 /lb but could be subjected to the Service Fee schedule Appendix L – Service Fees if items fall into higher cost categories. The question related to packaging supplies has several options. The first is that we process cardboard and other packaging materials through the process of obtaining equipment. We also can provide “retired tech lockers” (Appendix - ) as a way of packing the materials for storage on site and transportation. These retired tech lockers are $35 per month each. Finally when we visited the Orono campus in 2022 we saw that UMS was using plastic buckets for managing the different types of battery chemistries. This is what is required by the e-waste laws as well as the transportation laws. It was not determined if UMS was providing those containers or if they are to be provided by ITE. If the desire is for ITE to provide them, we will provide them at our cost.


  • Applies to: Staff