How to Run an SQR Report


In PeopleSoft, there are a number of reporting options available. These options include PSQuery and SQR Reports. This article specifically covers running the SQR Reports

Detailed Information  

Access Reports

 From the MyCampus home page, select the MaineStreet Icon, then select:  Enterprise Applications > Campus Solutions-Reporting DB > University of Maine Systems >
Select Campus Solutions Reporting Database

From here, select the folder you need. 
For the example that follows, select Student Admissions>Reports>Admissions Report Home

Circled Admissions Report Home Link

The Admissions Reports page opens:

Admissions Reports Home Page Menu

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The Run Control ID page for the selected report opens:

Admissions Report Status Page

Create a Run Control ID

The first time you run a report you must create a Run Control ID.  Run Control IDs are used whenever a process is run in PeopleSoft.
They allow you to create, save and reuse a list of reports. Only you will see the Run Controls you create. If you already have a Run Control ID, enter it here.

Add New Run Control Value Tab

After you have created Run Control IDs for this process, you will select the Find an Existing Value tab to look up the Run Control IDs.
When you select a Run Control ID, it will take you directly to the page to run the process associated with it. If you only have one Run Control ID,
the system will take you immediately to the Run Control page for that process when you select the Find an Existing Value tab.

Search for Existing Run Control Value

The Run Control page for the selected report opens

 Report Run Control Page

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Running a Report

The parameters available for reports vary according to the nature of each report. Enter the required parameters (noted by *) and select theRun Buttonbutton.
The Process Scheduler Request page opens.

Process Scheduler Request Page


In the Process List section of the page, verify the report you want to run is checked in the Select column.
The Process Type column shows whether it is a Crystal or SQR report. In the Format column, choose whether the report should be generated in PDF or Excel format. 

Process Format Drop Down Menu

You do not need to enter any other information on the Process Scheduler Request page.  Now you're ready to run the report!

Choose OK Button to Run Report

The Run Control page opens and you will see a Process Instance number has been assigned.

Process Instance Number

The Process List page opens:

Process List Page
This is where you will monitor the status of your report and eventually access a link to it.
The Run Status will initially appear as “Queued,” then “Initiated,” then “Processing” and finally as “Success.”
Select Refresh Refresh Icon to update the information displayed in the Run Status column.
Once the Distribution Status is “Posted”, click the Details link to access the page where the report is listed.
You can access reports you have run up to ten days after the run date. To narrow or broaden the list of reports listed,
adjust the settings entered in the “Last:”  fields of the View Process Request For section.
View Process Request Menu
After the Process Detail page opens, select View Log/Trace:
Proces Details Page

On the View Log/Trace page, select the output file from the list to open it.
View Log/Trace Page

The report appears as follows:
Report Output Example
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 Anatomy of an SQR Report

 structure of an SQR report

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Campus Solutions Reporting

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Article ID: 158656
Fri 5/10/24 4:21 AM
Mon 7/29/24 2:56 PM
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