ISIR_PARENT - Fed Parent Application Data

Institutional Student Information Records - ISIR Student Parent or Guardian Information

Detailed Information

Data Systems

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
  • Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT
Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Definition/Usage
  AFDC_BENEFITS - AFDC Benefits SNm11.0   AFDC  
  AGE_OLDER_PARENT - Age of Older Parent Char2   Age Parent  
  AGI - Adjusted Gross Income SNm11.0   AGI  
Key AID_YEAR - Aid Year Char4   Aid Yr  
  BLANK_AGI - AGI value is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_CASH_SAV - Cash savings value is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_FATHER_INC - Father's Income value is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_INV_NET_WRTH - Investment Net Worth is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_MOTHER_INC - Mother's Income value is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_TAXES_PAID - Taxes Paid value is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_TOT_FROM_WKA - Total From Wksheet A is blank Char1   Blank  
  BLANK_TOT_FROM_WS3 - Total From Wksheet B is blank Char1   Blank  
  BUSINESS_DEBT - Business Debt SNm11.0   Bus Debt  
  BUSINESS_VALUE - Business Value SNm11.0   Bus Value  
  BUS_NET_WORTH - Business Net Worth Num10.0   Bus Net Worth  
  CASH_SAVINGS - Cash Savings SNm11.0   Cash  
  CHILD_SUPPORT - Child Support SNm6.0   Child Sup  
  CURRENCY_CD - Currency Code Char3   Currency  
  DFLT_AFDC_BEN_IND - AFDC Benefit Default Set Char1 N AFDC Ben  
  DFLT_AGI_IND - AGI Default Set Char1 N AGI  
  DFLT_CHLD_SPPT_IND - Child Support Default Set Char1 N Chld Sppt  
  DFLT_DAD_INC_IND - Father's Income Default Set Char1 N Dad Income  
  DFLT_EIC_IND - Earned Inc Source Ind Char1 N EIC  
  DFLT_FATHERSSN_IND - Assumed Father SSN Char1 N Father SSN  
  DFLT_MAR_STAT_IND - Marital Ststus Defaulted Char1   Marital St  
  DFLT_MOM_INC_IND - Mother's Income Default Set Char1 N Mom Income  
  DFLT_MOTHERSSN_IND - Assumed Mother SSN Char1 N Mother SSN  
  DFLT_NUM_COLL_IND - Nbr in College Default Set Char1 N In College  
  DFLT_NUM_FAM_IND - Nbr Family Default Set Char1 N In Family  
  DFLT_SS_BEN_IND - Soc Sec Benefits Default Set Char1 N SS Ben  
  DFLT_TAXES_PD_IND - Taxes Paid Default Set Char1 N Taxes Paid  
  DFLT_UNTXD_INC_IND - Untaxed Income Default Set Char1 N Untaxed In  
  DFLT_WKC_TOT_IND - Total from WrkSht C Defaulted Char1 N WKC Tot  
  DFLT_WS3_TOT_IND - Total from WrkSht 3 Defaulted Char1 N WS3 Tot  
  DFLT_WSA_TOT_IND - Total from Worksheet A Char1 N Total WS A  
  DT_LEGAL_RES - Date of Legal Residence Date   /Date  
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date  
Key EFFSEQ - Effective Sequence Num3.0   Sequence  
  ELIG_FOR_1040A_EZ - Eligible For 1040A or 1040EZ Char1 N Elig 1040A/EZ?  
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  ERND_INC_CREDIT - Earned Income Credit SNm11.0   Ern Inc Cr  
  FARM_DEBT - Investment Farm Debt SNm11.0   Farm Debt  
  FARM_NET_WORTH - Farm Net Worth Num6.0   Farm Net Worth  
  FARM_VALUE - Investment Farm Value SNm11.0   Farm Value  
  FATHER_1ST_NM_INIT - Father's First Name Initial Char1   First Initial  
  FATHER_DOB - Father's Date of Birth Date   Father DOB  
  FATHER_GRADE_LVL - Father's Highest Grade Level Char1 N Fa Grd/Lvl  
  FATHER_INCOME - Father's Earnings SNm11.0   Father  
  FATHER_LAST_NAME - Father's Last Name Char16   Last Name  
  FATHER_SSN - Father's SSN Char9   Father's SSN  
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution  
  INV_NET_WORTH - Investment Net Worth Num10.0   Inv Net Worth  
  IWD_PAR_EMAIL - Parent's Email Address Char50   Parent E-mail  
  LEGAL_RESIDENCE - Legal Residence Char2   Legal Res  
  LEGAL_RES_PRIOR - Legal Resident Before 01-01-95 Char1 N Res Prior 95  
  LEGAL_RES_PRI_94 - Legal Resident Before 01-01-94 Char1 N Res Prior 94  
  MARITAL_STAT - Marital Status Char1 N Mar Stat  
  MAR_STATUS_DT - Marital Status Date Date   Mar StatDt  
  MOTHER_1ST_NM_INIT - Mother's First Name Initial Char1   First Initial  
  MOTHER_DOB - Mother's Date of Birth Date   Mother DOB  
MOTHER_GRADE_LVL - Mother's Highest Grade Level Char1 N Mo Grd/Lvl  
  MOTHER_INCOME - Mother's Earnings SNm11.0   Mother  
  MOTHER_LAST_NAME - Mother's Last Name Char16   Last Name  
  MOTHER_SSN - Mother's SSN Char9   Mother's SSN  
  NUMBER_EXEMPTIONS - Nbr of Exemptions Char2 N Exemptions Number of parent IRS exemptions claimed.
  NUMBER_IN_FAMILY - Nbr Family Members Char2   Family Mem  
  NUM_IN_COLLEGE - Nbr in College Char1   Nbr Coll  
  PROJECTED_YR_INC - Projected Year Income Char1 N Proj Inc  
  RE_INVEST_DEBT - Real Estate Invest Debt SNm11.0   RE Debt  
  RE_INVEST_VALUE - Real Estate Invest Value SNm11.0   RE Value  
  SFA_BLANK_BUSNET - Business Net Worth is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_CHILDREC - Child Support Receive is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_CHILDSUP - Child Support Paid is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_COMBAT - Combat Pay is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_COOPEARN - Co-op Earnings is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_EDUCREDT - Educational Credit is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_GRANTAID - Grant Aid is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_INT_INC - Tax Exempt Interest is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_IRA_DIST - IRA Distributions is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_IRA_PAY - Self Employment Pay is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_MILITARY - Military Allowance is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_NEEDEMPL - Need Employment is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_PENSION - Pension Pay is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_UNTAXINC - Other Untax Income is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_UNTAXPEN - Untax Pension is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_BLANK_VET_NON - Veterans Non-Ed Ben is Blank Char1 N Blank  
  SFA_CHILD_SUP_PAID - Child Support Paid Num10.0   Child Sup Paid  
  SFA_CHILD_SUP_RECV - Child Support Received Num10.0   Child Sup Recv  
  SFA_COMBATPAY - Combat Pay Num10.0   Combat Pay  
  SFA_COOP_EARN - Co-op Earnings Num7.0   Co-op Earnings  
  SFA_DFLT_ASM_ASSET - Asset Threshold Exceed Def Char1 N Asset Thrs Excd  
  SFA_DISLOCATE_WRK - Dislocated Worker Char1 N Dislocated Wrk  
  SFA_EDU_CREDITS - Educational Credits Num10.0   Educatn Credits  
  SFA_FOOD_STAMPS - Receives Food Stamps Char1 N Food Stamps  
  SFA_GRANT_AID - Grant/Scholarship Aid Num10.0   Grant/Schl Aid  
  SFA_INTERST_INCOME - Interest Income Num7.0   Interest Income  
  SFA_IRA_DIST - IRA Distributions Num7.0   IRA Distrbution  
  SFA_IRA_PAY - IRA Payments Num7.0   IRA Payments  
  SFA_MILITARY_ALLOW - Military/Clergy Allowances Num10.0   Military Alwnce  
  SFA_NEED_EMPLOYMNT - Need-Based Employment Num7.0   Need Based Empl  
  SFA_PAR_ASSET_THRS - Parent Asset Threshold Exceed Char1 N Par Asset Thrs  
  SFA_PAR_TAX_RET - Parent Tax Return Filing Char1 N Tax Filing Stat Marital Status
  SFA_PENSION_PAY - Pension Payments Num7.0   Pension Payment  
  SFA_SCHL_LUNCH_PRG - Participates in Sch Lunch Prog Char1 N School Lunch  
  SFA_SSI_INCOME - Receives SSI Income Char1 N SSI  
  SFA_UNTAX_INCOME - Other Untaxed Income Num10.0   Other Untax Inc  
  SFA_UNTAX_PENSION - Untaxed Pensions Num7.0   Untaxed Pension  
  SFA_VET_NONEDU_BEN - Veterans Non-Ed Benefits Num10.0   Vet Non Edu Ben  
  SFA_WIC_BENEFITS - WIC Benefits Recipient Char1 N WIC  
  SOC_SEC_BENEFITS - SS Benefits SNm11.0   SS Benefit  
Key TABLE_ID - Child Table Key Char1   Child Tbl  
  TAXES_PAID - U.S. Tax Paid SNm11.0   U.S. Tax Paid  
TAX_FORM_FILED - Tax Form Filed Char1 N Tax Form  
  TAX_RETURN_FILED - Tax Return Filed? Char1 N File Return? Has a return been filed with the IRS?
  TOTAL_FROM_WKA - Total Amount from WK A Num5.0   Total WK A  
  TOTAL_FROM_WKC - Total Amount from WK C Num8.0   Total WK C  
  TOTAL_FROM_WS3 - Total from Worksheet 3 SNm9.0   Tot WS 3  
  UNTAXED_INCOME - Untaxed Income SNm11.0   Untax Inc  


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Article ID: 158829
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Wed 8/7/24 8:32 AM
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