Study Abroad Data Entry Directions

This article provides details regarding the process for entering Study Abroad data into a student's record.

Detailed information

Follow this link for definition and existing coding for UMS study abroad.

  1. Log in CSPRD and Navigate to Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student and follow the steps below for students studying abroad.
  2. Set the Form of Study on the Term Activation page to "ABRD" or "AWAY" depending on your institution. USM only uses ABRD in certain situations, and uses AWAY to indicate a student who is studying abroad. 

showing the Term Activation tab on the Term Activate a Student screen with the form of study box surrounded by a red box.

2. Enter the host school information and dates and Study Agreement on the External Study Tab (also on the Term Activation page)

showing the External Study tab on the Term Activate a Student screen with a red box around where you enter the host school information, dates and study agreement.

3. Enroll the student in the appropriate placeholder Study Abroad Class (this is done to help facilitate the release of financial aid early in the Study Abroad process).  These courses have set up different than regular courses so they count toward FA progress and not academic progress


  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions