Troubleshooting in Power BI

Tags PowerBI DARTS

This page has some solutions for errors in Power BI.


Click the error below to go to the solution:

End-user (consumer) cannot sign in Power BI.

  1. Log into My Campus Portal
  2. Click "UMS Quick Links" to expand
  3. Find "Power BI" and click the link
    In general, when a user (with UMS account) signs into PowerBI Service for the first time, a PowerBI (free) license automatically gets added to their ID. When the license never got enabled for UMS ID, IT help desk person had to manually add the free license to the UMS account.

End-user (consumer) cannot view the report.

The report author should  check the following: 

  1. Check dataset permission
  2. Check row-level security permission
  3. Check if the workspace is premium

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End-user (consumer) cannot export the data to Excel.

  1. The report author needs to check the report setting (File > Options and Settings > Options. Under CURRENT FILE, select Report settings.) More information on Export the data that was used to create a visualization page.
  2. Check end-users version of Excel

How do we know if Microsoft has a Power BI outage?

  1. Go to the Microsoft Fabric support page 
  2. The status will show up like the image below

        A visual representation of the dashboard featuring multiple service status for each reagion
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Access to the resource is forbidden

When a report author cannot connect to the data course and an error message says "Access to the resource is forbidden", check the following:

  1. Be sure to check the VPN is connected.
  2. Go back to Power BI Desktop. Click "Transform data" > "Data source settings"
    Toolbar in a PowerBI Desktop interface with data processing options and an open dropdown menu for "Data source settings."
  3. Select the source and click "Edit Permissions"
    Power BI Desktop "Data source settings" window with "Global permissions" selected.
  4. Click "Edit" under Credentials
  5. Click "Microsoft account" and "sign in". Use SSO to sign in. Then click "Save"
    SharePoint login interface with "Microsoft account" option highlighted and connection issue message displayed.
  6. Choose "Organizational" for Privacy Level and click "OK" and close the pop-up window.

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  • Power BI

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