In-state and out-of-state student count and credit count data, summarized by un-duplicated student IDs over three terms (as of census day)
Results are further divided by academic career and other fields. The data from the first term was chosen to un-duplicate students when students enrolled in multiple terms.
The FTE is a sum of all terms. The FTE is calculated based on the term FTE, and it is not annualized FTE.
The IPEDS 12-month Enrollment Report is similar to this report, however, the IPEDS report is based on dates between July 1 and June 30.
Power BI App (Census-DSIT-Reports). Please contact us at to request new access.
Student Multiple Term Report
Power BI
Historically in SQR (UNSTUMLT.SQR)
These fields are available for slicers on the report. The slicers are located at the top of the report page.