The UMS campuses had myriad ways of defining and coding Instruction Modes for course sections. Processes and data entry at campuses also varied, which created challenges when trying to track or report on distance education offerings for planning and evaluation purposes. In addition to the administrative challenges, the instruction mode provided to students did not always accurately reflect the online and/or in-person requirements of the particular course. This was particularly challenging for non-traditional and online students who need increased flexibility in their education, or who are unfamiliar with the variety of course instruction modes.
In an effort to provide more accurate information to UMS students and staff on the modalities of course delivery and increase consistency in course coding, this project was designed to develop update Instruction Mode coding and definitions for course sections.
Please see the final set of Instruction Mode codes & definitions, effective for Summer 2021 term onwards, including decision trees and a link to an informational video.
In order to evaluate the existing instruction mode coding across campuses, an inventory and analysis was conducted. It was found that several similar instruction modes codes and instruction mode code descriptions were used by different campuses, and some only used by one or two campuses. Instruction modes varied by spelling and capitalizations because each campus has their own list modes (see tables below).
System-Wide Instruction Mode Codes
System-wide Instruction Mode Code Descriptions
The strategic goals of the UMS and Maine emphasize the need to expand access to higher education and, specifically, to expand access to online education. As campuses increasingly cross-list courses and develop collaborative programs, common definitions and codes for Instruction Modes are essential for both our students and our administrative needs. Improving data and consistency of course section Instruction Mode coding will allow the UMS to better communicate, report on, and expand access to our educational programs.
An initial audit and analysis was completed during proposal development. An additional audit will need to be developed once implementation is complete.