Enrollment Reports Data Issue Documentation

This article provides historical information regarding the 2022 Data Governance project focused on expanding system-level reporting and dashboards in the area of recruitment and enrollment.

Detailed Information

Issue Summary

Although enrollment and retention are critical priorities for the UMS, there had been varied access to recruitment & enrollment data (including admissions, retention, etc.) across the UMS campuses.

This workgroup was created to expand system-level reporting and dashboards in the area of recruitment and enrollment.

The goals of this were to:

  1. Ensure that each campus has access to baseline data relevant to their decision-making and workflow processes
  2. Increase efficiency across the system by reducing the local burden for routine enrollment, recruitment, and retention reporting
  3. Address data coding and definition inconsistencies as they are discovered

In addition to the targeted three goals above, this project was one step in support of the overarching priority of enrollment & retention identified by the Data Governance Council in the summer of 2017. The project proposed herein also served as a CIO-sponsored IT pilot project for infrastructure and tools for data & analytics. As such, the project helped drive IT development at the same time as delivering data to campus and system stakeholders within the realm of the DGC-identified priority area of recruitment & enrollment.

Closeout Report

Workgroup Name

Enrollment Reports
Workgroup Lead & Contact Rachel Groenhout 

Workgroup Members

Justin Young, Jared Cash, Miki Yanagi, Rachel Groenhout

Issue Name and/or Description

The Enrollment Reports workgroup developed a five-phase plan

Who are the stakeholders involved?

Enrollment Management, Admissions, IR

Please describe the issue resolution:

Phase I plan was enthusiastically approved after several rounds of information gathering, drafting, and revision of plan. The plan needs to be implemented in IT (data mart creation, and Power BI implementation).

Please provide additional detailed resolution information:

Phase I created a Test Dashboard.
Enrollment Reports Pre-Proposal outlines the five-phase plan. See Resources & Research at right for Documented Enrollment Reports.

Will this issue need to be reviewed/updated regularly? If so, on what schedule?

We could check back in bi-annually. We could get DG involved in planning/design of additional stages (or not)....future involvement of DG is TBD, but check-ins will ensure if DG assistance is requested, that we know about it and can provide said assistance.


  • System-Wide