First Generation Coding Data Issue Documentation

This article provides historical information regarding the 2022 Data Governance Project in response to the reported First Generation Coding Data Issue.

Detailed Information

Background Information

First Generation (FG) students are an important student population, and the UMS has used several different data sources to identify these students. A series of modifications to update and improve the University of Maine System’s practices related to defining and coding FG students has been completed; these changes have brought all campus definitions for First Generation into alignment with the federal definition, improved accuracy, removed manual coding work, and ensured alignment across the First Generation student group and reporting flag. Consistent FG data allows campuses and the system to more accurately report on this student population, more effectively identify academic trends, and more easily identify students who could receive additional support.

Issue Summary - Description of Prior Definitions & Coding

This table shows historical First Generation coding specifications across UMS campuses. These are the definitions that the Shared Processing Center, and campus personnel, had been using to add students to the First Generation Student Group, prior to the new coding process (implemented for applicants to term Spring 2022 and later terms):

showing the historical first generation coding definitions across the University of Maine System institutions.

Resolution Summary - New Definitions & Coding Effective August 2021 for Applicants to Spring 2022 and Later

The First Generation Coding workgroup has established updated criteria for identifying FG students in alignment with UMS policy. This criteria was used to create an automated process that assigns students into the FGEN student group for undergraduate students who have an admit term of Spring 2022 or later. Students are added into the student group as soon as they have an EMPLID and information regarding First Generation status, and the student group is visible in their student center and can also be used for reporting. UMS Reporting will also maintain the UM_FIRST_GEN reporting flag, and update coding to reflect the change made for admit term 2220 and forward. Please Note: students will not appear in the student extract view with the UM_FIRST_GEN flag until they are activated by having a STRM showing in the STDNT_CAR_TERM table. That STRM field is used by the UM_STUD_EXTRACT. No historical first generation data will be changed.

visualizing the old sources of first generation coding versus the new sources of first generation coding.

INFO: Due to the sensitive nature of First Generation data, all reports using the UM_FIRST_GEN flag or student group must receive approval (if not already approved) by completing our First Generation Data Usage Request form. There is an existing catalog of data systems/locations that have already been identified and approved.

Resources & Research

Related Links

Strategic Goals Addressed

Increasing the accuracy of this data will help student services more easily identify FG students, improve dependability with reporting, and provide leadership with more up-to-date information for use of resources.



  • System-Wide