Request a Department Card to be used for Non-UMS entities to copy or print


Departmental print and copy card used to allow non UMS entities to charge printing or copying costs to a department account.


Departmental print and copy card used to allow non UMS entities to charge printing or copying costs to a department account. The department account must already exist as a Shared Account in Papercut previously created as a result of an exiting employee payroll record. Charges will be added to existing monthly departmental charges.


Existing Shared account previously created in Papercut as the result of a payroll record.

To be used for Non-UMS entities that do not have credentials.  

WARNING: Departmental cards should not be requested for current or future employees who will have shared accounts available to them but want access to additional accounts. See Department Printing and Copying Costs.  The intended use is primarily for  non-employees who do not have accounts.


Please be sure you have the following information before submitting a request.

  1. Type of customer needing to use the card. Non-employee such as Person of Interest with  account,  Volunteers or Visitor, non-workstudy students.
    1. Include example
  2. Department name that should be printed on the card
  3. Name and Email address of the employee responsible for the card
  4. UMS Shared Account/s to invoice monthly charges to
    1. Please supply complete information in the following format.  "Dept-Fund-Program-Project-Operating Unit" 
    2. Preferred would be a screen shot of existing shared account, or screen shot of account in GL.
  5. Account to charge for cost of card creation where applicable. 
  6. Create a ticket or email with the above information.


After review to make sure this meets the intended usage guidelines,  this request will be forwarded to Card Services for creation and deployment. 



  • Copying or printing for Non-UMS entities
  • Managed Print Services




Article ID: 139471
Wed 10/4/23 6:22 PM
Fri 10/6/23 10:15 AM
Applies To

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