How to Print or Copy using a Department Copy Card (Xerox)

Some Departments and groups have Department Copy Cards for users to use to charge their printing. Below are instructions on how to use them for printing to Xerox copiers.



  1. When prompted by PaperCut to select an account to charge, select the option to Print as another user:
    1. In the user name field, enter the full card number for the department copy card
    2. then enter the last 4 digits of the card number in the password field
  2. If you haven't already been auto-logged into PaperCut with the account you are logged into the computer, when PaperCut prompts for credentials:
    1. In the user name field, enter the full card number for the department copy card
    2. then enter the last 4 digits of the card number in the password field


  1. Log into the Copier using the Department Card credentials
    1. In the user name field, enter the full card number for the department copy card
    2. then enter the last 4 digits of the card number in the password field
  2. Then follow the post-authentication instructions for copying in Copying, Scanning and Faxing using a Xerox Device


Cannot login with Department Copy Card Credentials

  1. Verify the Department Copy Card Credentials
    • In a browser, go to and log in with the Department Copy Card Credentials
      • If that fails, contact the Help Desk to verify the Department Copy Card account exists in PaperCut

No jobs listed when going to release at the Printer

  1. Verify the job was sent under the Department Copy Card account
    1. Make sure to log in to PaperCut using your Department copy card credentials when prompted at the computer, or select Print as another user and enter the Department Card Credentials

No Shared Account available to charge

  1. Create a ticket with the Department Card number, user who noticed the issue, and the Shared Account it should connect to for funding, then escalate to End User Technology. (Occasionally Dept Card settings have unintentionally been overridden in the Shared Account sync)


  • PaperCut MF 
  • Department Copy Card
  • Xerox
Print Article


Article ID: 139392
Wed 8/23/23 1:16 PM
Thu 10/5/23 12:37 PM
Applies To

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