ACAD_PLAN_TBL - Academic Plan Table


This table  contains the data regarding  Institution level Academic Plans

Detailed Information  

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Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions  CSPRD and Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Notes
  ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4   Career  
Key ACAD_PLAN - Academic Plan Char10   Acad Plan  
  ACAD_PLAN_TYPE - Academic Plan Type Char3 N Plan Type
CER - Certificate
CON - Concentration (subplan)
COS - Course of Study
DMJ - Double Major
HON - Honors
MAJ - Major
MIN - Minor
PRP - Preparation
SP  - Specialization
  ACAD_PROG - Academic Program Char5   Acad Prog  
  CIP_CODE - CIP Code Char13   CIP Code  
  DEGREE - Degree Char8   Degree  
  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr  
  DESCRLONG - Description Text   Descr  
  DESCRSHORT - Short Description Char10   Short Desc  
  DIPLOMA_DESCR - Diploma Description Char100   Dipl Descr  
  DIPLOMA_INDENT - Number of Characters to Indent Num2.0   Indent  
  DIPLOMA_PRINT_FL - Print on Diploma Char1   Diploma  
  EFF_STATUS - Status as of Effective Date Char1 N Status A (Active) or I (Inactive)
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date  
  EVALUATE_PLAN - Evaluate Plan Before Program? Char1   Evaluate Plan  
  FA_ELIGIBILITY - Program Eligibility Flag Char1   Eligible  
  FIRST_TERM_VALID - First Term Valid Char4   First Term  
  HEGIS_CODE - HEGIS Code Char8   HEGIS Code  
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution  
  PLN_REQTRM_DFLT - Requirement Term Default Char1 N Req Dflt A - Program's Admit Term
D - Plan's Declare Date
P - Program's Requirement Term
  REQUIRED_GPA - Required GPA Num6.3   Required  
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_ADVR - Show In What-If Advisor Char1   Show Advisor  
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_PREM - Show in What-If Prematric Std Char1   Show Premat Std  
  SAA_WHIF_DISP_STD - Show in What-If Student Char1   Show Student  
  SCC_SFP_AY_I_UNTS - Instructional Weeks Required Num6.3   Weeks Required  
  SCC_SFP_AY_UNIT - Academic Year Unit Measurement Char4 N Unit Measure CLCK - Clock
CRED - Credit
  SCC_SFP_AY_UNTS - Academic Year Units Required Num6.3   Units Required  
  SCC_SFP_FIRST_PROF - First Professional Degree Char1   Prof Degree  
  SCC_SFP_PLAN_TYPE - SFP Program Type Char1 N Plan Type A - Associate's Degree
B - Bachelor's Degree
C - Certificate - Undergraduate
D - Doctoral Degree
G - Unspecified-Grad/Professional
M - Master's Degree
T - Post Baccalaureate Certificate
U - Non-Credential
  SCC_SFP_PROG_UNIT - Program Measurement Unit Char4 N Program Unit CLCK - Clock
CRED - Credit
  SCC_SFP_REQ_UNTS - Total Required Units Num6.3   Total Units  
  SFA_SPEC_PROG_FLG - SULA Special Program Char1 N Special Program A - Selective Admission Assoc Deg
B - 2-year Bachelor's Degree
N - Not Applicable
P - Prep Crsewk Grad Prof Pgm
T - Non-Cred Teacher Cert Pgm
U - Prep Crsewk Ugrad Program
  SSR_LAST_ADM_TERM - Last Admit Term Char4   Last Admit  
  SSR_LAST_PRS_DT - Last Prospect Date Date   Last Prospect  
  SSR_NSC_CRD_LVL - NSC Classification Char1   NSC Clsf  
  SSR_NSC_INCL_PLAN - Report as NSC Program Char1   NSC Program  
  SSR_PROG_LEN_TYPE - Program Length Type Char1 N Type M - Months
W - Weeks
Y - Years
  SSR_PROG_LENGTH - Program Length Value Num4.3   Prog Length  
  SSR_SFP_BBAY_IND - Borrower Based Term Indicator Char1   BBAY  
  SSR_SFP_BBY_TRM_AY - Borrower Based Terms Per Year Num3.0   Terms Per ACY  
  SSR_SFP_PROJ_CRSE - Projected Course Label Char50   Label  
  STUDY_FIELD - Field of Study Char10   Field of Study  
  TRANSCRIPT_LEVEL - Transcript Level Char2 N Tran Level 00 - Never Print
20 - Print on Official
40 - Print on Unofficial
60 - Print on Student Life
80 - Print on Degree Progress
  TRNSCR_DESCR - Transcript Description Char100   Trns Descr  
  TRNSCR_INDENT - Nbr of Chars Indnt on Transcr Num2.0   Indent  
  TRNSCR_PRINT_FL - Print on Transcript Char1   Transcript  



Article ID: 158799
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Thu 9/12/24 4:19 PM
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