Academic Program


WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This Table includes a representative sample of Academic Program field values.

Detailed Information  

For the full list of active academic programs, run the query UMS_DTS_ACAD_PROG_LIST in the PeopleSoft  CSRPT (Campus Solutions Reporting) database.
For instructions on how to run a query, see Running Reports with Query Viewer & Query Manager.

Related Tables:


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Production CSPRD and Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Field Values Description Institution
AAGF Arts/Arts/Grad/FA UMS06
AAGN Arts/Arts/Grad/NonFA UMS06
AALIB AA - Liberal Studies UMS01
AAPHO AA - Photography UMS01
AARD Aquaculture & Aquatic Res-PHD UMS05
AAUF Arts/Arts/Ugrad/FA UMS06
ACAFU Academic Affairs Undergraduate UMS06
ACCS Accounting-MS UMS05
AECGS Certificate-Adv Eng Wood Comp UMS05
AEPA Anthro & Enviro Policy-MA UMS05
AEPD Anthro & Enviro Policy-PHD UMS05
AGS General Studies - Associate UMS03
AHGF Arts/Humanities/Grad/FA UMS06
AHUF Arts/Humanities/Ugrad/FA UMS06
AIUF Arts/Inter/Ugrad/FA UMS06
ALAA A.A. in Liberal Studies UMS04
AMBIO Biology-MS UMS06
AMCRW Creative Writing-MFA UMS06
AMMCD Conducting-MM UMS06
AMMCP Composition-MM UMS06
AMMJS Jazz Studies-MM UMS06
AMMUE Music Education-MM UMS06
AMMUP Music Performance-MM UMS06
AMNES New England Studies-MA UMS06
AMSTA Statistics-MS UMS06
AMSWO Social Work-MSW UMS06
ANCGS Certificate-Aerospace Engineer UMS05
ANSPS Animal Sciences-MPS UMS05
ANSS Animal Sciences-MS UMS05
ARLE Arts & Letters UMS04
ASBA AS - Business Administration UMS01
ASCGS Certificate-Autism Spec Disord UMS05
ASCIS AS - Computer Info Systems UMS01
ASDEA AS - Dental Assisting UMS01
ASDH AS - Dental Hygiene UMS01
ASETU ASET Undergraduate UMS06
ASILS AS - Info & Library Science UMS01
ASJCM AS - Jazz and Cont Music UMS01
ASJS AS - Justice Studies UMS01
ASMHH AS -Mental Health & Human Serv UMS01
ASMLS AS - Medical Lab Sciences UMS01
ASMLT AS - Medical Lab Technology UMS01
ASNUR AS - Nursing UMS01
ASNUT AS - Nutrition UMS01
ASPA AS - Public Administration UMS01
ASRT AS - Rehabilitation Therapy UMS01
ASSOC Associate Degrees UMS07
ASUF Arts/SocSci/Ugrad/FA UMS06
ASUN Arts/SocSci/Ugrad/nonFA UMS06
ASVET AS - Veterinary Technology UMS01
BAARC BA - Architecture UMS01
BABIO BA - Biology UMS01
BACGS Certificate-Business Admin UMS05
BACH Baccalaureate Degrees UMS07
BAENG BA - English UMS01
BAIDS BA - Interdisciplinary Studies UMS01
BALIB BA - Liberal Studies UMS01
BAMSC BA - Mathematics/Science UMS01
BARC Bachelor of Architecture UMS01
BAS Bachelor of Applied Science UMS01
BASSC BA - Social Science UMS01
BCHPS Biochemistry-MPS UMS05
BCHS Biochemistry-MS UMS05
BLEME Biological Engineering-ME UMS05
BLES Biological Engineering-MS UMS05
BLSPS Liberal Studies, BLS(Post Bac) UMS07
BMACC Accounting-MS UMS06
BMCPM BMUS - Contemp & Popular Music UMS01
BMED Biomedical Engineering-PHD UMS05
BMJCM BMUS - Jazz and Cont Music UMS01
BMMBA Business Administration UMS06
BMOD Biochem/Molecular Biology-PHD UMS05
BMSD Biomedical Sciences-PHD UMS05
BPPH Maine Business School UMS05
BSADJ BS - Administration of Justice UMS01
BSAVI BS - Aviation UMS01
BSBA BS - Business Administration UMS01
BSCD Biological Science-PHD UMS05
BSCIS BS - Computer Info Systems UMS01
BSCSS BS - Cyber Security UMS01
BSDH BS - Dental Hygiene UMS01
BSES Environmental Studies UMS03
BSFS BS - Financial Services UMS01
BSILS BS - Info & Library Science UMS01
BSJS BS - Justice Studies UMS01
BSMHH BS - Mental Hlth & Human Serv UMS01
BSNUR BS - Nursing UMS01
BSPA BS - Public Administration UMS01
BSVET BS - Veterinary Technology UMS01
BTPS Botany & Plant Pathology-MS UMS05
BUAMB Business Admin-MBA UMS05
BUS General Studies - Bachelor UMS03
BUSU Business Undergraduate UMS06
BUSUN Business Ugrd Non-degree UMS06
C-ACC Cert - Accounting UMS01
C-CAG Cert - Crime Analysis & GIS UMS01
C-CSS Cert - Cyber Security UMS01
C-CYC Cert - Child & Youth Care Prac UMS01
C-DA Cert - Dental Assisting UMS01
C-ECT Cert - Erly Chld Tch (Birth-5) UMS01
C-EET Cert - Early Elem Tchr (K-3) UMS01
C-ELE Cert - Elem Educatiion (K-8) UMS01
C-FE Cert - Fraud Examination UMS01
C-FSI Cert - Forensic Sci-Investig UMS01
C-FSS Cert - Forensic Sci-Scientific UMS01
C-HI Cert - Health Informatics UMS01
C-HRM Cert - Human Resources Mgt UMS01
C-HS Cert - Human Services UMS01
C-ILS Cert - Info & Library Science UMS01
C-IPS Cert - Internatl Public Serv UMS01
C-ISS Cert - Info Systems Security UMS01
C-MHR Cert - Mental Health Rehab T/C UMS01
C-PIC Cert - Psych In-Patient Care UMS01
C-PLS Cert - Paralegal Studies UMS01
C-SAR Cert - Subst Abuse Rehab Tech UMS01
C-SED Cert - Secondary Education UMS01
C-SM Cert - Social Media UMS01
C-WD Cert - Web Development UMS01
CAS Arts & Sciences UMS02
CASGN Arts & Sciences Grad NonDegree UMS06
CASU Arts & Sciences Undergraduate UMS06
CASUN Arts & Sciences Und Non-Degree UMS06
CECA Counselor Education-MA UMS05
CECCS Counselor Education-CAS UMS05
CECD Counselor Education-PHD UMS05
CECED Counselor Education-EDD UMS05
CECME Counselor Education-MED UMS05
CECS Counselor Education-MS UMS05
CEHDU Education & Hum Dev-Undergrad UMS06
CEHGN Educ & Human Dev Grad NonCred UMS06
CEHR Education, Health & Rehab UMS02
CEHUN Education & Hum Dev Und NonDeg UMS06
CENS Computer Engineering-MS UMS05
CERT Certificate Programs UMS07
CERT Teacher Certification UMS03
CERTS Certificate Programs UMS03
CHED Chemical Engineering-PHD UMS05
CHES Chemical Engineering-MS UMS05
CHYD Chemistry-PHD UMS05
CHYS Chemistry-MS UMS05
CIED Civil Engineering-PHD UMS05
CIEE Civil Engineering-ME UMS05
CIES Civil Engineering-MS UMS05
CNHPU CNHP Undergraduate UMS06
CNHUN Nursing & Health Non-degree UMS06
CNUGN CNHP Graduate non-degree UMS06
COMA Communication-MA UMS05
COMD Communication-PHD UMS05
COND Transitions Program UMS04
CONG Conversion of Former Grad Coll UMS05
CONU Conversion of Former UG Coll UMS05
CONU Conversionof Former UG Program UMS02
CONU Undergraduate Program UMS04
COSD Computer Science-PHD UMS05
COSS Computer Science-MS UMS05
CSCGS Certificate-Interd Climate Std UMS05
CSDA Comm Sciences & Disorders-MA UMS05
CTCGS Certificate-Classrm Tech Integ UMS05
DGCGS Certificate-Digital Curation UMS05
DIST Distance Education UMS03
DLL Division of Lifelong Learning UMS05
ECADL Adult Learning-CAS UMS06
ECCED Couseling-CAS UMS06
ECCGS Certificate-Early Child Teach UMS05
ECEDL Educational Leadership-CAS UMS06
ECESL English as Second Language-CAS UMS06
ECLIT Literacy Education-CAS UMS06
ECOA Economics-MA UMS05
EDACS Secondary Education-CAS UMS05
EDAME Secondary Education-MED UMS05
EDCCS Elementary Education-CAS UMS05
EDCGS Certificate-Educ Data Spec UMS05
EDCME Elementary Education-MED UMS05
EDEAT Elementary Education-MAT UMS05
EDES Elementary Education-MS UMS05
EDHD Coll of Edu & Human Devel UMS05
EDLCS Educational Leadership-CAS UMS05
EDLED Educational Leadership-EDD UMS05
EDLME Educational Leadership-MED UMS05
EDMSP School Psychology-PsyD UMS06
EDPST Teacher Education (Post-Bac) UMS07
EDSAT Secondary Education-MAT UMS05
EDSS Secondary Education-MS UMS05
EDTME Instructional Technology-MED UMS05
EDU Education UMS03
EDUD Education-PhD UMS05
EDXCS Individualized in Educ-CAS UMS05
EDXED Individualized Program-EDD UMS05
EDXME Individualized in Educ-MED UMS05
EESD Ecology/Environmental Sci-PHD UMS05
EESS Ecology/Environmental Sci-MS UMS05
EGR College of Engineering UMS05
ELED Elect & Comp Egr-PHD UMS05
ELES Electrical Engineering-MS UMS05
EMADE Adult and Higher Education-MS UMS06
EMAPL Applied Literacy-MSED UMS06
EMCDM Counseling/Mental Health-MS UMS06
EMCDR Counseling/Rehabilitation-MS UMS06
EMCDS Counseling/School-MS UMS06
EMCED Counseling-MS UMS06
EMEDA Education Administration-MSED UMS06
EMEDL Educational Leadership-MSED UMS06
EMEDP Educational Psychology UMS06
EMEXP Exceptionality-MS UMS06
EMISL Instructional Leadership UMS06
EMLIT Literacy Education-MSED UMS06
EMMCT Classroom Teacher-MSED UMS06
EMMIE Industrial Arts Education-MSED UMS06
EMMPT Professional Teacher-MSED UMS06
EMMSE Abilities &Disabil Studies -MS UMS06
EMMSP School Psychology-MS UMS06
EMMTE Technology Education-MSED UMS06
EMMTL Teaching & Learning-MSED UMS06
EMPED Professional Educator - MSED UMS06
ENGA English-MA UMS05
ENTS Entomology-MS UMS05
ENVB Environ & Biological Sciences UMS04
EPSME Engineering Physics-ME UMS05
ERSD Earth and Climate Sciences-PHD UMS05
ERSS Earth and Climate Sciences-MS UMS05
ESCCS Science Education-CAS UMS05
ESCGS Certificate-English Sec Lang UMS05
ESCME Science Education-MED UMS05
ESCS Science Education-MS UMS05
ESSA Social Studies Education-MA UMS05
ESSCS Social Studies Education-CAS UMS05
ESSME Social Studies Education-MED UMS05
ESSS Social Studies Education-MS UMS05
ETCGS Certificate-Educ Tech Coor UMS05
EXP Explorations UMS05
FIEA Financial Economics-MA UMS05
FND Foundations UMS05
FNSD Food & Nutrition Sci-PHD UMS05
FOR Forestry UMS03
FORD Forest Resources-PHD UMS05
FORS Forest Resources-MS UMS05
FREA French-MA UMS05
FSCGS Certificate-Foods and Nutritn UMS05
FSNS Food Sci & Human Nutr-MS UMS05
GISCG Certificate-Geograph Info Sys UMS05
GPLM Global Policy UMS05
GRAD Graduate School UMS05
GRCRT Graduate Certificate Programs UMS02
GRNON Graduate Non-Degree UMS02
GYCGS Certificate-Gerontology UMS05
HCCGS Certificate-Health Care Admin UMS05
HCLS Horticulture-MS UMS05
HEDCS Higher Education-CAS UMS05
HEDME Higher Education-MED UMS05
HELD Higher Ed Leadership-PHD UMS05
HELED Higher Ed Leadership-EDD UMS05
HTYA History-MA UMS05
HTYD History-PHD UMS05
HUDS Human Development-MS UMS05
HUM Arts & Humanities UMS03
ICCGS Certificate-Innov Comm Design UMS05
IDCGS Certificate-Inter Disab Stds UMS05
IDSA Interdisciplinary Studies-MA UMS05
IECGS Certificate-Innovation Engr UMS05
IMMFA Intermedia (Studio) UMS05
INCGS Certificate-Instruction Design UMS05
INTD Interdisciplinary-PHD UMS05
ISCGS Certificate-Information Sys UMS05
ISISG Pre-computer enrollment stats UMS06
ISISL Pre-computer enrollment stats UMS06
ISISU Pre-computer enrollment stats UMS01
ISISU Pre-computer enrollment stats UMS03
ISISU Pre-computer enrollment stats UMS06
ISYS Information Systems-MS UMS05
JSTP Johnson Scholars Trio Program UMS02
KPEME Kinesiology & Phys Edu-MED UMS05
KPES Kinesiology & Phys Edu-MS UMS05
LACGN Lewiston-Auburn Non Degree UMS06
LACU Lewiston Auburn Undergraduate UMS06
LACUN LAC Undergraduate Non-Degree UMS06
LAS Liberal Arts & Sciences UMS05
LAUN LAC/Ugrad/nonFA UMS06
LAWP Law School UMS06
LEDA Literacy Education-MA UMS05
LEDCS Literacy Education-CAS UMS05
LEDD Literacy Education-PHD UMS05
LEDED Literacy Education-EDD UMS05
LEDME Literacy Education-MED UMS05
LEDS Literacy Education-MS UMS05
LMLOS Leadership Studies-MA UMS06
LMMOT Occupational Therapy-MOT UMS06
LSBR Liberal Studies Bridge Prog UMS02
MABD Marine Biology-PHD UMS05
MABS Marine Biology-MS UMS05
MAPS Marine Policy-MS UMS05
MATA Mathematics-MA UMS05
MBGF Mgmt/Bus/Grad/FA UMS06
MBGN Mgmt/Bus/Grad/nonFA UMS06
MBRD Marine Bio-Resources-PHD UMS05
MBRS Marine Bio-Resources-MS UMS05
MBUF Mgmt/Bus/Ugrad/FA UMS06
MBUN Mgmt/Bus/Ugrad/nonFA UMS06
MCBD Microbiology-PHD UMS05
MCBPS Microbiology-MPS UMS05
MCBS Microbiology-MS UMS05
MEED Mechanical Engineering-PHD UMS05
MEES Mechanical Engineering-MS UMS05
MEGF Mgmt/Educ/Grad/FA UMS06
MEGN Mgmt/Educ/Grad/nonFA UMS06
MIUF Mgmt/Inter/Ugrad/FA UMS06
MLSA Liberal Studies-MA UMS05
MMGF Mgmt/Musk/Grad/FA UMS06
MMGN Mgmt/Musk/Grad/nonFA UMS06
MMUF Mgmt/Musk/Ugrad/FA UMS06
MMUN Mgmt/Musk/Ugrd/nonFA UMS06
MSEDU Master of Science in Education UMS02
MSGF Mgmt/SWrk/Grad/FA UMS06
MSKGN Muskie Sch of Public Pol NonCr UMS06
MSUF Mgmt/SWrk/Ugrad/FA UMS06
MUIMM Music Education-MMUS UMS05
MUPMM Music Performance-MMUS UMS05
NBS Natural & Social Sciences UMS03
NDGN NonDeg/Grad/NonFA UMS06
NDGR Non-Degree - Graduate UMS06
NDGR Non-Degree Graduate UMS01
NDGR Non-Degree Graduate UMS05
NDPN NonDeg/Prof/NonFA UMS06
NDPR Non-Degree: Prep for Grad Adm UMS05
NDUG Non Degree UMS02
NDUG Non Degree Undergrad UMS03
NDUG Non-Degree UMS04
NDUG Non-Degree UMS07
NDUG Non-Degree UGrad UMS01
NDUG Non-Degree Undergraduate UMS05
NDUG Non-Degree Undergraduate UMS06
NDUN NonDeg/Ugrad/NonFA UMS06
NECGS Certificate-Nursing Education UMS05
NMNUR Nursing-MS UMS06
NONCR Non Credit UMS03
NONCR USM Non Credit Program UMS06
NSEU Student Exchange UMS06
NSFA Nat Sci Forestry & Agriculture UMS05
NUR Nursing UMS03
NURS Nursing-MS UMS05
OCED Oceanography-PHD UMS05
OCES Oceanography-MS UMS05
OTH Other UMS03
P-NON Post Bac Non Degree UMS02
PBAC Post-Baccalaureate UMS04
PBCIS Post BS - Computer Info Sys UMS01
PBCSS Post BS - Cyber Security UMS01
PBJUS Post BS - Justice Studies UMS01
PBMHH Post BS - Mentl Hlth & Hum Ser UMS01
PBPA Post BS - Public Admin UMS01
PDPPM Public Policy & Mgt-PhD UMS06
PEPST Phys Education (Post-Bac) UMS07
PEUN Exchange/NonFA UMS06
PHYD Physics-PHD UMS05
PHYS Physics-MS UMS05
PLSD Plant Science-PHD UMS05
PMCPD Community Planning & Devt-MCPD UMS06
PMD Professional Management UMS03
PMHPM Health Policy Management-MS UMS06
PMPPM Public Policy & Mgt-MPP UMS06
PROF Professional Studies UMS04
PSAS A.S. in Business Technology UMS04
PSES Plant, Soil, Envir Sci-MS UMS05
PSM Professional Science Masters UMS05
PSYA Psychology-MA UMS05
PSYD Psychology-PHD UMS05
PUUF Undeclared/Ugrad/FA UMS06
QCSS Quaternary & Climate Std-MS UMS05
RBCGS Certificate-Resp to Interv Beh UMS05
REPS Resource Economics & Policy-MS UMS05
RTFS Resource Utilization(FTY)-MS UMS05
RTRS Resource Utilization(REP)-MS UMS05
SEDCS Special Education-CAS UMS05
SEDME Special Education-MED UMS05
SET School of Engineering Tech UMS05
SISD Spatial Inf Sci Engineer-PHD UMS05
SISS Spatial Inf Sci Engineer-MS UMS05
SLGF Sci/Life/Grad/FA UMS06
SLUF Sci/Life/Ugrad/FA UMS06
SLUN Sci/Life/Ugrad/nonFA UMS06
SMAIM Applied Medical Sciences-MS UMS06
SMCOS Computer Science-MS UMS06
SMMMM Manufacturing Management-MS UMS06
SMMMS Manufacturing Systems-MMS UMS06
SMTST Teaching-MST UMS05
SNGF Sci/Nur/Grad/FA UMS06
SNGN Sci/Nur/Grad/nonFA UMS06
SNUF Sci/Nur/Ugrad/FA UMS06
SNUN Sci/Nur/Ugrad/nonFA UMS06
SPEC Post Bac Special UMS02
SPGF Sci/Phys/Grad/FA UMS06
SPGN Sci/Phys/Grad/nonFA UMS06
SPIA School of Policy & Int'l Aff UMS05
SPUF Sci/Phy/Ugrad/FA UMS06
SPUN Sci/Phys/Ugrd/nonFA UMS06
SWKSW Social Work-MSW UMS05
TCCGS Certificate-Teach Consult Writ UMS05
UDEC Undeclared UMS04
UMF UMF Miscellaneous UMS02
WLCWC Wildlife Conservation-MWC UMS05
WLED Wildlife Ecology-PHD UMS05
WLES Wildlife Ecology-MS UMS05
WWPF Law/Prof/FA UMS06
WWPN Law School - non Fin Aid UMS06
ZOLD Zoology-PHD UMS05
ZOLS Zoology-MS UMS05


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