ITEM_SF - Item Record


WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

ITEM_SF contains information about the item that could be the result of one or many entries in ITEM_LINE_SF

Detailed Information

Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions - CSPRD
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting - CSRPT

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Note
  ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4 N Career  
  ACAD_YEAR - Academic Year Char4   Acad Year  
  ACCOUNT_NBR - Account Nbr Char10   Acct Nbr  
  ACCOUNT_TERM - Account Term Char4   Acct Term  
  ACCOUNT_TYPE_SF - Account Type Char3   Acct Type Field value and description is on the ps_acct_typ_tbl_sf table.
  ACTUAL_BILLING_DT - Actual Billing Date Date   Billing Date  
  ADM_APPL_NBR - Application Nbr Char8   Appl Nbr  
  AID_YEAR - Aid Year Char4   Aid Yr  
  APPLIED_AMT - Applied Amount SNm16.2   Applied  
  BILLING_CAREER - Billing Career Char4   Bill Car  
  BILLING_DT - Billing Date Date   Billing Date  
Key BUSINESS_UNIT - Business Unit Char5   Unit  
  CALENDAR_YEAR - Calendar Year Num4.0   Year  
  CHARGE_PRIORITY - Charge Priority List Char8   Charge Lst  
  CLASS_CRSE_FEE_IND - Class/Course Fee Indicator Char1 N Class/Crse Ind  
  CLASS_NBR - Class Nbr Num5.0   Class Nbr  
  COLLECTION_ID - Collection ID Num12.0   Collection  
Key COMMON_ID - ID Char11   ID  
  CONTRACT_AMT - Contract Amt SNm16.2   Contract Amt  
  CONTRACT_EMPLID - Contract ID Char11   Contract ID  
  CONTRACT_NUM - Contract Number Char25   Contract #  
  COURSE_LIST - Course List Char9   Crse Lst  
  CRSE_ID - Course ID Char6   Course ID  
  CURRENCY_CD - Currency Code Char3   Currency  
  CUR_RT_TYPE - Exchange Rate Type Char5   Rate Type  
  DEPOSIT_NBR - Deposit Nbr Num12.0   Depos Nbr  
  DISBURSEMENT_DATE - Disbursement Date Date   Disb Date  
  DUE_DT - Due Date Date   Due Date  
  EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  ENCUMBERED_AMT - Amount Encumbered SNm16.2   Encumbered  
  EXT_ORG_ID - External Org ID Char11   Org ID  
  FEDERAL_TAX_RT - Federal Tax Rate SNm2.6   Federal Tax Rt  
  FEE_CD - Fee Code Char6   Fee Code  
  GL_ASSESSED_AMT - GL Assessed SNm14.2   Assessed  
  GL_BALANCED_AMT - GL Assessed SNm14.2   Assessed  
  GL_FROM_SUBFEE - GL from Sub Fees Char1   GL from Sub Fee  
  GL_SATISFIED_AMT - GL Satisfied Amount SNm14.2   Satisfied  
  INTEREST_DT - Interest Date Date   Interest Date  
  ITEM_AMT - Item Amount SNm16.2   Item Amt  
  ITEM_BALANCE - Item Balance SNm16.2   Balance  
  ITEM_EFFECTIVE_DT - Item Effective Date Date   Itm Eff Dt  
Key ITEM_NBR - Item Nbr Char15   Item Nbr  
  ITEM_NBR_SOURCE - Item Nbr - Src Charge Nbr Char15   Item Nbr  
  ITEM_STATUS - Item Status Char1 N Status  
  ITEM_TERM - Item Term Char4   Item Term  
  ITEM_TYPE - Item Type Char12   Item Type The description is on the ps_item_type_tbl table.
  ITEM_TYPE_CD - Item Type Code Char1 N Item Code  
  LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE - Last Activity Date Date   Last Activ Last date a new line was posted.This could be merely a payment swap due to changes in other payments, new entries for charges. 
 It's when a payment applied to a charge item gets changes to another charge item.
  LATE_FEE_CODE - Late Fee Code Char6   Late Fee Code  
  LOCAL_TAX_RT - Local Tax Rate Num1.6   Local Tax Rate  
  NRA_TAXATION_SWTCH - NRA Taxation Option Char1   NRA Taxation  
  ORIGINAL_ACCT_TERM - Original Account Term Char4   Term  
  ORIGNL_CURRENCY_CD - Currency Code Char3   Currency  
  ORIGNL_ITEM_AMT - Item Amount SNm16.2   Amt  
  ORIG_EFF_DT - Original Effective Date Date   Efft Date The date that a line was posted to the item for the first time.  
If a new line is added with a different effective date, then ITEM_EFFECTIVE_DT will change to that.
  PAYMENT_ID_NBR - Payment ID Nbr Num12.0   Payment ID  
  PRIORITY - Priority Num3.0   Priority  
  PRIORITY_PMT_FLG - Payment Priority Flag Char1   Pmt. Priority  
  RATE_DIV - Rate Divisor Num8.8   Divisor  
  RATE_MULT - Rate Multiplier SNm9.8   Multiplier  
  RECEIPT_NBR - Receipt Number Num12.0   Receipt #  
  REF1_DESCR - Reference Nbr Char30   Ref Nbr  
  REFUND_EMPLID - Refund ID Char11   ID  
  REFUND_EXT_ORG_ID - Refund External Org ID Char11   Org ID  
  REFUND_NBR - Refund Nbr Num12.0   Nbr  
  REFUND_ORG_CONTACT - Refund Org Contact Num4.0   Org Contact  
Key SA_ID_TYPE - ID Type Char1 N ID Type  
  SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM - Created DateTm   Created  
  SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID - Created By Char30   Created By  
  SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM - Last Update Date/Time DateTm   Updated  
  SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID - Updated By Char30   By  
  SEL_GROUP - Tuition Group Char10   Group Most groups are by tuition residency.
  SESSION_CODE - Session Char3 N Session  
  SF_ADM_APPL_DEL - Application Deleted Char1   Deleted  
  SF_DEPOSIT_ID - Deposit ID Char10   Deposit  
  SF_PMT_REF_NBR - Reference Nbr Char12   Reference Nbr  
  SRVC_IND_DTTM - Service Indicator Date Time DateTm   DateTime  
  SSF_BILLED_AMOUNT - Total Billed Amount SNm16.2   Billed Amt  
  SSF_INSTMNT_ID - Installment ID Num3.0   Installment  
  STATE_TAX_RT - State Tax Rate Num1.6   State Tax Rate  
  STDNT_CAR_NBR - Student Career Nbr Num3.0   Career Nbr  
  T4_SENT_AMT - T4 Sent Amt SNm10.2   T4 Sent Amt  
  TAX_ADJ_WHOLDINGS - Gross Taxable Payments YTD SNm10.2   Payments YTD  
  TAX_AUTHORITY_CD - Tax Authority Char3   Authority  
  TAX_CD - Tax Code Char8   Code  
  TRACER_NBR - Bank Tracer Nbr Char30   Tracer  
  TRANSFER_AMT - Transfer Amt SNm16.2   Transfer Amt  
  TRANSFER_DT - Transfer Date Date   Transfer Date  
  TRANSFER_PAYMNT_ID - Transfer Payment ID Char15   Transfer Pmt ID  
  TRANSFER_STATUS - Transfer Status Char1 N Status  
  TRANS_FEE_CD - Transaction Fee Code Char8   Trans Fee Code  
  WAIVER_CODE - Waiver Code Char6   Waiver Code  



Article ID: 158832
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Wed 8/7/24 8:37 AM
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