Requesting a Listserv List

Listserv email lists are used for announcements to groups of persons and by discussion groups. You may request a Listserv email list using the procedure below. You may also use Google Groups for university related email discussions and group discussions.


  1. List requests are made using "UMS Listserv Request Form" button in the upper right.
  2. All choice points are explained on the form.
  3. Contact for clarification or questions.

You (user) will be asked for the following information:

  • Name of the list 
    • Must be one word; dashes are permitted (e.g. ums-my-great-list)
    • There is a maximum of 32 characters for list names.
    • The list name will be its mailbox (
    • List names cannot be changed ... anything else can be changed
    • Please include a campus prefix as follows
      • UMaine: um
      • Augusta: uma
      • Farmington: umf
      • Fort Kent: umfk
      • Machias: umm
      • Presque Isle: umpi
      • Southern Maine: usm
      • System: ums
  • Title of the list. A short description of the list (100 characters maximum).
  • List purpose: While a purpose is not required including one helps keep the list on task. The purpose statement should be a few sentences or a paragraph in length.
  • Will this be an announcement list or discussion list? Would a Google Group fulfill your needs?
  • Open or closed subscription?  (How are subscriptions to the list handled).
  • Private or publicly listed on UMS's Listserv portal.
  • Who is the list sponsor if not the requestor?  The sponsor must be a System employee. 
  • Will there be additional owners? You will need their email addresses.
  • Who can post messages to the list? 

Once the list is created for you, you will be pointed to detailed instructions for managing your list. 

You will also need to go to and create a login and password (if you don't already have one). (This can be your MaineStreet credentials, but is not directly connected.  If you change your MaineStreet password, your password will NOT update!) If you use more than one email address to post to the list each address must have posting privileges.


  • Listserv 


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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Distributes emails to predefined lists of subscribers to a topic, members of a group, etc.
Request that a Listserv list be created