How do I log into my University computer with a NEW password?

I recently changed my password. It seems like my University device is only accepting my previous password. May have received an error message stating "The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to."


Please follow these steps to update to your current password.

  1. Login to your computer with your old password.
  2. If you are at home, make sure you are connected to VPN. If on campus, that's not necessary.
  3. Lock your computer:
    • By pressing Control-Alt-Delete (Windows)
    • By pressing Control-Command-Q (Mac)
  4. Then, wait a minute or so. Your computer will attempt to connect to the University's Active Directory server to "pick up" your credentials.
  5. Next, log into your computer with your updated password.
INFO: Windows users -If you've received an error message stating "The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to," this message will time out after 5 minutes from your first sign on attempt; please try signing in then. This is especially common for users who return to work the following day, or after lunch, following a password change.


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