Sometimes a Windows computer user's account will get locked out due to a saved credential on an end users PC that has an old password. In those instances, it is hard to find out what might be causing the issue. This can be from a mapped drive or a installed printer. This may occur after the user changes their UMSID ( password because their old password is cached on the computer.
- From a Windows command prompt type:
rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr
- The "credential manager" app will open and display the cached passwords on your computer
- Click on the offending credential and click remove.
WARNING: Do not remove ALL stored credentials. If you do you may have to reauthorize some applications. For example, any credential that begins with "adobe" should not be deleted because it would not cause an account lockout on your Windows computer.

More Information from Microsoft
- University computers running Windows
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