Google Chrome: Create TeamDynamix Ticketing Custom Search Engine

Instructions on how to add a custom search engine in the Google Chrome web browser to search for tickets in the UMS:IT Ticketing TDX system from the address bar.

WARNING: This only works for the production TDX ticketing app used by UMS IT. 


  1. Copy and paste the following into the Chrome web address bar: chrome://settings/searchEngines
  2. Click the "Add" button
  3. Type in whatever name you want for the "Search engine" field
  4. Type in whatever you want for the "Shortcut" field (ex. "tdx", "tix", etc)
  5. In the "URL with %s in place of query" field put in ""


  1. From the address bar type the shortcut you used (ex: tix) and press tab
  2. Put in the ticket number and hit enter


  • UMS:IT Ticketing TDX application (production)
  • Google Chrome