Accessible Guide for Choosing Instruction Modes

Scope: This article will cover the steps on choosing an instruction mode without the use of tables or other visuals. This article will supply the same information as the more graphic intensive flowcharts while being accessible.

Purpose: This article supplies a text-only accessible version of the guide on Choosing an Instruction Mode. The purpose is to provide an alternative version to the flowcharts that would work with accessibility tools for the information to reach the audience as possible.

Detailed Information

Guide for Students, Faculty, and Staff- Step-by-Step to Choosing an Instruction Mode

This document is an accessible, text-only version of the instruction mode flowchart to aid in determining the preferred or intended delivery mode of classes. Please be sure to read through all options before selecting the most closely corresponding instruction mode.

If the course section is designed to be delivered and attended entirely online:

  • and all instruction is fully online with no scheduled online meetings, the class is Online. Note: If any synchronous activities, such as exams, are required, they are indicated in the course notes.
  • and all instruction is fully online with required online meeting times for all or part of the course, the class is Distance Synchronous.

If the course section is designed to be delivered and attended both online and in-person:

  • and there is a mix of in-person scheduled class meetings and online components, the class is Hybrid/Blended.
  • and there is flexibility to choose, at the scheduled time of each class, to attend either in-person or online, the class is Hyflex.
  • and student attendance requirements are split between required online and in-person meeting times, the class is Split Delivery.

If the course section is designed to be delivered and attended in-person, with location and time arranged by instructor or supervisor:

  • and this is a clinical or field placement, an internship, independent study, or research hours, the class is By Arrangement.
  • and this is a Service-Learning course, the class is Service Learning.

If the course section is designed to be attended in-person, in a classroom:

  • and all or the majority of required class meetings happen in-person, in a classroom, with a remote instructor, the class is Receive.
  • and all or the majority of required class meetings happen in-person, in a classroom, with an instructor present, the class is In-Person.

Still unsure of your class instruction mode?

Please review the definitions for clarity to find the most appropriate option, or contact your advisor, department, or registrar.

Applies To

  • System-wide
  • Anyone reviewing Instruction Modes Documentation
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