How to Set up the Instructor Workload

Scope: This article will cover the steps on setting up the instructor workload.

Purpose: This article supplies detailed documentation on how to enter the instructor workload for sections offered in a given term.

Detailed Information

Step 1- Setting up the Two Assignment Types

  1. Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Assignment Type
  2. Select Add a New Value tab
  3. Effective date needs be on or before the effective date on the Institution Table (see below)
  4. Enter code for desired Assignment Type (current process uses TCH – Teaching and NTC – non-teaching)
  5. Select Add button.

Step 2- Define the new assignment types.

  1. Effective date must be on or before the effective date on the Institution Table (see Step 5)

Step 3- Set up the Instructor Assignment Class

  1. Navigation: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Assignment Class
  2. Select Add a New Value tab.
  3. Effective date needs be on or before the effective date on the Institution Table (see Step 5)
  4. Enter code for desired Instructor Assignment Class
  5. Select Add button.

Step 4 – Define the Instructor Assignment Class using values as show below.

  1. Enter an effective Date
  2. Enter a description (e.g., Teaching or Research)
  3. Check the box by calculate workload.
  4. Check the box by limit workload.
  5. Provide an assigned FTE %
  6. Provide an Instructor Multiplier %

Applies To

  • System-wide
  • Anyone reviewing Load factor Documentation.


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