CRSE_ATTR_VALUE - Course Attribute Value Tbl


WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This Table includes Course Attribute Value Descriptions and Course Catalog and Online Schedule Print Status (Yes or No)

Detailed Information


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text
  CATALOG_PRINT - Catalog Print Char1   Cat Print
Key CRSE_ATTR - Course Attribute Char4   Crse Attr
Key CRSE_ATTR_VALUE - Course Attribute Value Char10   CrsAtr Val
  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr
  DESCRFORMAL - Formal Description Char50   FormalDesc
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date
  SCHEDULE_PRINT - Schedule Print Char1   Sch Print
  SSR_SHOW_CLSRCH - Show In Class Search Char1   Show in Search


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Article ID: 158817
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Mon 9/9/24 11:14 AM
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