RELATIONSHIPS - Relationships

This Table includes Student Parent and Guardian Relationships History

Detailed Information

Data Systems

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT
Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Notes
  ADDRESS1 - Address Line 1 Char55   Address 1  
  ADDRESS2 - Address Line 2 Char55   Address 2  
  ADDRESS3 - Address Line 3 Char55   Address 3  
  ADDRESS4 - Address Line 4 Char55   Address 4  
  ADDRESS_TYPE - Address Type Char4   Addr Type  
  ADDR_FIELD1 - Address Field 1 Char2 N Address Field 1  
  ADDR_FIELD2 - Address Field 2 Char4   Address Field 2  
  ADDR_FIELD3 - Address Field 3 Char4   Address Field 3  
  ADDR_TYPE3 - Address Type Char4   Address Type  
  ALL_COMMUNICATIONS - All Communications Char1   All  
  BIRTHCOUNTRY - Birth Country Char3   Country  
  CHG_ADDR - Address Changed Char1   Addr Chg  
  CHG_OTHER - Other Changed Char1   Other Chg  
  CITIZENSHIP_STATUS - Citizenship Status Char1   Status  
  CITIZEN_COUNTRY - Country of Citizenship Char3   Citizen Country  
  CITY - City Char30   City  
  COMMENTS - Comment Text   Comment  
  CONTACT_THRU - Contact Thru Num2.0   Contact  
  COUNTRY - Country Char3   Country  
  COUNTRY_RESIDENCY - Country of Residency Char3   Country  
  COUNTY - County Char30   County  
  CURRENCY_CD - Currency Code Char3   Currency  
  DISSOLVE_REASON - Dissolution Reason Char2 N Dissolv Reason  
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date  
  EFF_STATUS - Status as of Effective Date Char1 N Status  
  EMAILID - Email ID Char70   Email ID  
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  EMPLID_RELATED - Related People ID Char11   Related ID  
  EMPLOYER - Employer Char30   Employer  
  EXT_ORG_ID - External Org ID Char11   Org ID  
  E_ADDR_TYP2 - Email Type Char4   Type  
  E_ADDR_TYPE - Email Type Char4   Type  
  GEO_CODE - Tax Vendor Geographical Code Char11   Geo Code  
  GUARDIAN_OCC - Guardian Occupation Char10   Occupation  
  GUARDIAN_RELATIONS - Guardian Relationship Char2 N Guardian see related article for values
  HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL - Highest Education Level Char2 N Hi Educ Lv  
  HOUSE_TYPE - House Type Char2 N House  
  IN_CITY_LIMIT - In City Limit Char1   In Cty Lmt  
  JOINT_ADDRESS - Joint Address Char1   Joint Address  
  JOINT_ADDRESS_RCP - Joint Address Char1   Joint Address  
  JOINT_RECORD - Create Joint Records Char1   Joint Record  
  MAR_STATUS - Marital Status Char1 N Mar Status  
  NAME - Name Char50   Name  
  NAME_PREFIX - Name Prefix Char4   Prefix  
  NAME_SUFFIX - Name Suffix Char15   Suffix  
  NATIONAL_ID - National ID Char20   NID  
  NATIONAL_ID_TYPE - National ID Type Char6   NID Type  
  NID_COUNTRY - National ID Country Char3   NID Country  
  NUM1 - Number 1 Char6   Nbr 1  
  NUM2 - Number 2 Char6   Nbr 2  
  PEOPLE_RELATION - Relationship Char2 N Relation see related article for values
  PHONE_DAY - Daytime Telephone Char30   Day Phone  
  PHONE_EVE - Evening Telephone Char30   Eve Phone  
  PHONE_FAX - Fax Nbr Char30   Fax Nbr  
  POSTAL - Postal Code Char12   Postal  
Key RELATIONSHIP_NBR - Relationship Nbr Num2.0   Relate Nbr Sequence number of each relationship
  RELATIONS_INCOME - Relations Income Num9.0   Rel Income  
  RELATION_NBR_RCP - Reciprocal Relationship Number Num2.0   Recip Nbr  
  RESIDENCY_DT - Residency Date Date   Res Date  
  SALUTATION - Salutation Char20   Salutation  
  SEX - Gender Char1 N Sex  
  STATE - State Char6   State  
  STATE_RESIDENCY - State of Residency Char6   State  
  URL_ADDRESS - URL Address Char254   URL  
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Article ID: 158840
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Fri 8/9/24 11:30 AM
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