STDNT_ENRL - Student Enrollment Table


WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This core table contains each of the classes for which a student is registered.

Detailed Information

Data Systems

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

See Credit Hour Reporting Information for more tips on the proper use of this table.

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Notes
Key ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4   Career  
  ACAD_PROG - Academic Program Char5   Acad Prog  
  ASSOCIATED_CLASS - Associated Class Num4.0   Assoc  
  ASSOCIATION_99 - Association 99 Char1   Assoc 99 Y (Yes) or N (No)
  AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS - Audit Grading Basis Char1   Audit Y (Yes) or N (No)
Key CLASS_NBR - Class Nbr Num5.0   Class Nbr  
  CLASS_PRMSN_NBR - Class Permission Nbr Num6.0   Permission  
  CRSE_CAREER - Course Career Char4   Course Car  
  CRSE_COUNT - Course Count Num3.2   Crse Count  
  CRSE_GRADE_INPUT - Grade Input Char3   Grade In  
  CRSE_GRADE_OFF - Official Grade Char3   Grade  
  DROP_CLASS_IF_ENRL - Drop This Class if Enrolled Num5.0   Drop if Enroll  
  DYN_CLASS_NBR - Dynamic Class Nbr Num5.0   Dyn Class Nbr  
  EARN_CREDIT - Earn Credit Char1   EarnCredit Y (Yes) or N (No)
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  ENRL_ACTION_LAST - Last Enrollment Action Char2   Last Act  
  ENRL_ACTN_PRC_LAST - Last Enrollment Action Process Char2   Process  
  ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST - Last Enrl Action Reason Char4   Reason  
  ENRL_ADD_DT - Enrollment Add Date Date   Add Dt  
  ENRL_DROP_DT - Enrollment Drop Date Date   Drop Dt  
  ENRL_REQ_SOURCE - Enrollment Request Source Char2 N Source  
  ENRL_STATUS_REASON - Enrollment Status Reason Char4 N Reason

Code     Description
ADRP - Administrative Drop
ALIM - Appointment Limit Exceeded
CANC - Dropped (class cancelled)
CREQ - Co-Requisite Enrollment
DROP - Dropped (was enrolled)
DRWL - Dropped (was wait listed)
ENRL - Enrolled
EWAT - Enrolled from Wait List
FULL - Section is Full
RCAP - Reserve Slots Full
RCMP - Related Component
SLIM - Session Limit Exceeded
TIME - Time Conflict Exsists
TIMR - Time Conflict Resolved
TLIM - Term Limit Exceeded
WDRW - Withdrawn from Class

  GRADE_CATEGORY - Grade Category Char4 N Grade Category  
  GRADE_DT - Grade Date Date   Grade Dt  
  GRADE_POINTS - Grade Points Num7.3   Grd Points  
  GRADE_POINTS_FA - Financial Aid Grade Points Num7.3   FA Grd Pt  
  GRADING_BASIS_DT - Grading Basis Date Date   Basis Dt  
  GRADING_BASIS_ENRL - Grading Basis Char3   Grade Base  
  GRADING_SCHEME_ENR - Field is not active yet Char3   Field not activ  
  GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT - Grade Points Per Unit Num7.3   Grd Pt/Unt  
  INCLUDE_IN_GPA - Include in GPA Char1   Incl GPA Y (Yes) or N (No)
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution  
  INSTRUCTOR_ID - Instructor ID Char11   Instructor  
  LAST_DROP_DT_STMP - Last Drop Date Stamp Date   Last Drop Date  
  LAST_DROP_TM_STMP - Last Drop Time Stamp Time   Last Drop Time  
  LAST_ENRL_DT_STMP - Last Enrollment Date Stamp Date   Last Enrl Date  
  LAST_ENRL_TM_STMP - Last Enrollment Time Stamp Time   Last Enrl Time  
  LAST_UPD_DT_STMP - Last Update Date Stamp Date   Last Upd Date  
  LAST_UPD_ENREQ_SRC - Enrollment Request Source Char2 N Source  
  LAST_UPD_TM_STMP - Last Update Time Stamp Time   Last Upd Time  
  MANDATORY_GRD_BAS - Mandatory Grading Basis Char1   Mandatory Y (Yes) or N (No)
  NOTIFY_STDNT_CHNG - Notify Student of Change Char2 N Notify Student  
  OPRID - User ID Char30   User  
  OVRD_GRADING_BASIS - Override Grading Basis Char1   Grading Basis  
  RELATE_CLASS_NBR_1 - Field is not active yet Num5.0   Field not activ  
  RELATE_CLASS_NBR_2 - Field is not active yet Num5.0   Field not activ  
  REPEAT_CANDIDATE - Repeat Candidate Flag Char1   Rpt Candidat Y (Yes) or N (No)
  REPEAT_CODE - Repeat Code Char4   Repeat
  REPEAT_DT - Repeat Date Date   Repeat Dt  
  RQMNT_DESIGNTN - Requirement Designation Char4   Designation  
  RQMNT_DESIGNTN_GRD - Requirement Designation Grade Char1 N RD Grade

Code Description
 N -  Not Satisfied
 S -  Satisfied

  RQMNT_DESIGNTN_OPT - Requirement Designation Option Char1 N RD Option Y (Yes) or N (No)
  RSRV_CAP_NBR - Reserve Capacity Sequence Num3.0   ReserveNbr  
  SEL_GROUP - Tuition Group Char10   Group  
  SESSION_CODE - Session Char3 N Session  
  SESSN_ENRL_CNTL - Enrollment Control Session Char3   Session  
  STATUS_DT - Status Date Date   Stat Dt  
  STDNT_ENRL_STATUS - Student Enrollment Status Char2 N Status

When students dropped after add/drop date, the status remains "E".
Code Description
 D - Dropped
 E - Enrolled
 W - Waiting

  STDNT_POSITIN - Student Position Num8.0   Sdt Positn  
Key STRM - Term Char4   Term  
  TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS - Transcript Note Exists Flag Char1   Tscrpt Ex Y (Yes) or N (No)
  TSCRPT_NOTE_ID - Transcript Note ID Char4   Note ID  
  UNITS_ATTEMPTED - Units Attempted Char1 N Units Att

Code Description
    I  -  In Progress
    N -  No
    Y -  Yes

  UNT_BILLING - Billing Units Num4.2   Bill Units  
  UNT_EARNED - Units Earned Num4.2   Units  
  UNT_PRGRSS - Units Taken-Academic Progress Num4.2   Progress  
  UNT_PRGRSS_FA - Units Taken-Fin Aid Progress Num4.2   FA Progress  
  UNT_TAKEN - Units Taken SNm5.2   Unit Taken  
  VALID_ATTEMPT - Valid Attempted Grade Char1   Valid Attempt  
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Article ID: 158855
Fri 5/10/24 4:27 AM
Mon 8/19/24 10:58 AM
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