UMS Admissions Major Feeder School

This report shows the schools students were attending when they applied to the UMS. Results include numbers of applicants, accepted students and those that ultimately enrolled.

Detailed Information

Report Location

MyCampus > MaineStreet > Enterprise Applications < Campus Solutions-Reporting DB > University of Maine System > Student Admissions > Reports > Admissions Report Home > UMS Admissions Major Feeder School

Report Name

UMS Admissions Major Feeder School

Report Type


Prompts Required

To show all students, check the "Show Details" box.  For a summary, leave unchecked. For school type, you must choose last school attended.

UMS Major Feeder School Report

Data Fields Generated

School Rank, Last School Attended Name / Student, Last School Type / Student Home County, and net values for Applied, Admitted, Confirmed, & Enrolled

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  • Campus Solutions Reporting Database




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Article ID: 159195
Fri 5/10/24 4:36 AM
Thu 9/5/24 12:27 PM
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