RESP_RSN_TBL - Reasons Supporting Student Status

The RESP_RSN_TBL  includes Student status reasons entered by Faculty and Advisers

Detailed Information

Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions - CSPRD
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting - CSRPT

This Table  is not available to PoeppleSoft Query - The field is available to query in UM_STUD_EXTRACT - Student Reporting Extract and its associated tables and views.


Status Reasons by Campus

UMS01 - University of Maine at Augusta

UMS01 UGRD ACAD Academic Selection
UMS01 UGRD OTHU Attending Other University
UMS01 UGRD PGYR Attending Post Grad HS Year
UMS01 UGRD AFFD Could Not Afford
UMS01 UGRD NDGR Decided to go Non-Degree
UMS01 UGRD DEFR Defer Admissions
UMS01 UGRD PROG Did Not Get Preferred Program
UMS01 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS01 UGRD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS01 UGRD QUAL Institution Quality
UMS01 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS01 UGRD LOCA Location of classes
UMS01 UGRD MILT Military
UMS01 UGRD HOUS No Housing
UMS01 UGRD OTHR Other Reason Not Shown
UMS01 UGRD PERS Personal
UMS01 UGRD RELO Relocation
UMS01 UGRD VISA Visa Issues

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UMS02 - University of Maine Farmington

UMS02 UGRD OTHU Attending another university
UMS02 UGRD PGYR Attending post-grad hs year
UMS02 UGRD AFFD Could not afford UMF
UMS02 UGRD DEFR Defer Admission
UMS02 UGRD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS02 UGRD HOME Distance from home
UMS02 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS02 UGRD HOUS Housing concerns
UMS02 UGRD I20 I-20 Issues
UMS02 UGRD ILLM Illness / medical reasons
UMS02 UGRD FINA Insufficient financial aid
UMS02 UGRD LOCA Location of university
UMS02 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS02 UGRD MILT Military Service
UMS02 UGRD PERS Personal or family reasons
UMS02 UGRD PRFM Preferred major not offered
UMS02 UGRD RELO Relocating to another area

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UMS03 - University of Maine Fort Kent

UMS03 UGRD OTHE Attending Another University
UMS03 UGRD AFFD Could Not Afford
UMS03 UGRD WES Could Not Afford Trans Eval
UMS03 UGRD DEFR Defer Admission to Future Term
UMS03 UGRD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS03 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS03 UGRD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS03 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS03 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS03 UGRD MED Medical Illness
UMS03 UGRD MILT Military
UMS03 UGRD UNSP Other Reason Not Shown
UMS03 UGRD PERS Personal Reasons
UMS03 UGRD PRFM Preferred Major Not Offered
UMS03 UGRD RELO Relocating to Another Area
UMS03 UGRD HOME Too Far From Home
UMS03 UGRD VISA Visa Issues

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UMS04 - University of Maine at Machias

UMS04 UGRD ACAD Academic Selection
UMS04 UGRD OTHU Attending Another University
UMS04 UGRD AFFD Could Not Afford
UMS04 UGRD DEFR Defer Admission to Future Term
UMS04 UGRD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS04 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS04 UGRD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS04 UGRD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS04 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS04 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS04 UGRD MILT Military
UMS04 UGRD PERS Personal Reasons
UMS04 UGRD RELO Relocation
UMS04 UGRD LCTN University Location
UMS04 UGRD UNSP Unspecified Reasons

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UMS05 - University of Maine

UMS05 UGRD CLSZ Academic Class Size
UMS05 UGRD ATHL Athletics at another college
UMS05 UGRD PGYR Attending a Post-Grad Year
UMS05 UGRD OTCC Attending Community College
UMS05 UGRD ATLU Attending Local University
UMS05 UGRD OTHU Attending Other University
UMS05 GRAD OTHU Attending Other University
UMS05 UGRD OTTC Attending Technical School
UMS05 UGRD BIG Campus Size is too Big
UMS05 UGRD SMAL Campus size is too small
UMS05 UGRD CANL Cancellation List
UMS05 UGRD AFFD Could Not Afford
UMS05 GRAD AFFD Could Not Afford
UMS05 UGRD CSCH Covid Related Course Schedule
UMS05 UGRD CHLT COVID Related Health Concerns
UMS05 UGRD CV19 COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
UMS05 UGRD DEFR Defer Admission to UM
UMS05 GRAD DEFR Defer Admission to UM
UMS05 UGRD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS05 GRAD DIST Distinterested in University
UMS05 UGRD NOCT Do Not Contact - student reqst
UMS05 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS05 GRAD EMPL Employment
UMS05 UGRD XMRK Excessive Marketing
UMS05 UGRD GAPY Gap Year: work/travel/voluntee
UMS05 UGRD PRCE Going to Less Expensive School
UMS05 UGRD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS05 GRAD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS05 UGRD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS05 GRAD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS05 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS05 GRAD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS05 UGRD LOCA Location of University
UMS05 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS05 UGRD MILT Military
UMS05 GRAD MILT Military
UMS05 UGRD PROG Not Offered Preferred Program
UMS05 UGRD SCHL Offered more Scholarships
UMS05 UGRD PERS Personal Reasons
UMS05 GRAD PERS Personal Reasons
UMS05 UGRD MAJR Pref Major not offered at UM
UMS05 UGRD HOME Staying closer to Home
UMS05 UGRD SACT Stu Club/Org not offered
UMS05 UGRD WTRM Student wants different term
UMS05 UGRD UNSP Unspecified Reason
UMS05 UGRD VISA Visa Issues
UMS05 GRAD VISA Visa Issues
UMS05 UGRD OTME Wants out of Maine

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UMS06 - University of Southern Maine

UMS06 UGRD ACAD Academic Selection
UMS06 GRAD ACAD Academic Selection
UMS06 LAW OTHE Attending Another Law School
UMS06 UGRD OTHU Attending Another University
UMS06 GRAD OTHU Attending Another University
UMS06 UGRD AFFD Could not afford
UMS06 GRAD AFFD Could not afford
UMS06 UGRD DEFR Defer Admission
UMS06 GRAD DEFR Defer Admission
UMS06 LAW DEFR Defer to Next Year
UMS06 UGRD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS06 GRAD DIST Disinterested in University
UMS06 LAW EMPL Employment
UMS06 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS06 GRAD EMPL Employment
UMS06 LAW FINA Financial Situation
UMS06 UGRD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS06 LAW HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS06 GRAD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS06 UGRD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS06 GRAD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS06 LAW FAID Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS06 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS06 GRAD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS06 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS06 GRAD MARI Marriage
UMS06 LAW MEDI Medical Reasons
UMS06 UGRD MILT Military
UMS06 GRAD MILT Military
UMS06 LAW MILI Military Service
UMS06 UGRD NONE No Reason Given
UMS06 LAW NOTA Not Attending Law School
UMS06 UGRD PERS Personal
UMS06 GRAD PERS Personal
UMS06 LAW PERS Personal Reasons
UMS06 UGRD RELO Relocation
UMS06 GRAD RELO Relocation
UMS06 LAW VISA Visa Issue
UMS06 LAW SERV Volunteer Service

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UMS07 - University Maine Presque Isle

UMS07 UGRD ACAD Academic Selection
UMS07 UGRD APPW Application sent to wrong Univ
UMS07 UGRD OTHU Chose another University
UMS07 UGRD AFFD Could not afford
UMS07 UGRD DNTR Decided not to Transfer
UMS07 UGRD DNGD Decided to go Non-Degree
UMS07 UGRD DEFR Defer Enroll to next semester
UMS07 UGRD DNGR Did not graduate
UMS07 UGRD AWAY Distance from home
UMS07 UGRD EMPL Employment
UMS07 UGRD HOUS Housing Concerns
UMS07 UGRD I20 I-20 Issue
UMS07 UGRD ILL Illness/Medical
UMS07 UGRD FINA Insufficient Financial Aid
UMS07 UGRD MARI Marriage
UMS07 UGRD MILT Military
UMS07 UGRD DIST No longer interested
UMS07 UGRD OTHR Other reasons not listed
UMS07 UGRD PERS Personal Reasons
UMS07 UGRD RELO Relocation

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Article ID: 159710
Thu 8/8/24 10:08 AM
Fri 8/9/24 11:31 AM
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