Identified (Not Started) Data Governance Issues

This article provides historical information regarding the proposed 2022 Data Governance projects divided into the categories of ERP Reimplementation Issues and Other Identified Issues.

Detailed Information

Table of Contents

ERP Reimplementation Issues

The identified issues below were identified in 2020 as likely to be addressed during the UMS Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) reimplementation process currently in planning.

Academic Plan

Issue Summary

Some academic plans that are associated with degrees do not actually result in the degree indicated by the Academic Plan Description, but are instead "options" with a broad "General/Liberal Studies" Degree (for example, Allied Health and Allied Health Online are academic plans at UMFK, but they actually result in a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, not a Bachelor of Arts in Allied Health; at UMF, there are several academic plans that result in a degree in "Interdisciplinary Studies," but this is only discernable if one pulls the "Transcript Description" (for example, Adulthood and Aging, Anthropology, Health Information Systems, etc.).

In order to build a list of academic programs and plans for each campus, Academic Program table (ACAD_PROG_TBL) and Academic Plan table (ACAD_PLAN_TBL) are the essential sources. However, the accuracy and consistency of the data on these table should be improved. Below are the issues and responses to how and why the data may be inconsistently entered.

showing the Academic Program Tab Screen as it is in Campus Solutions. 


  2. Multiple active EFF_STATUS within the same ACAD_PLAN or ACAD_PROG 

Answers from Ursula Shufelt on 7/11/18:

  1. Some fields are not required, so the data entry person doesn't need to enter the data for FIRST_TERM_TERM_VALID, ACAD_CAREER, CIP_CODE.

The required fields on ACAD_PROG_TBL are:

    • Effective Date
    • Status
    • Description
    • Short Description
    • Academic Career
    • Academic Group
    • Academic Level Rule
    • Academic Calendar
    • Transcript Level
    • Course Catalog Repeat Message
    • Term Category
    • Session

The required fields on ACAD_PLAN_TBL are:

    • Effective Date
    • Status
    • Academic Plan Type
    • Description
    • Req Term Default
    • Transcript Level

    2. Since information for programs and plans can change over time you create a new effective dated row. Students are governed by the requirements in effect when they entered the program. So many effective dated rows have to be active at the same time.

Resources & Research


Academic Plan Types: Certificates & Honors Programs

Certificates Issue Summary

Although there is an Academic Plan Type of CER for Certificates, it is not used consistently, which makes it difficult to determine which programs are Certificates and which are not. Additionally,  not all Academic Plan codes use the -CER suffix, and not all descriptions contain the word "Certificate."

Certificate "Career" - Career is sometimes null in MaineStreet, making it difficult to determine (for those not familiar with a given set of programs or plans) whether a certificate is an undergraduate or graduate program based solely on the ACAD_CAREER field. Of the 253 certificate programs in the UMS, 150 have a null ACAD_CAREER field in the ACAD_PLAN_TBL. This might be one of the reasons that certificates are sometimes picked up in the Baccalaureate level of the UM_NEASC_LEVEL field.

Example of coding needed to inventory certificates:  

When A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CER%' then 'Certificate (Undergraduate)'
When A.ACAD_PLAN = 'CERT-INFO' then 'Certificate (Undergraduate)'
When A.ACAD_PLAN like '%CER%' and A.ACAD_CAREER = 'UGRD' then 'Certificate (Undergraduate)'
When A.ACAD_PLAN_TYPE = 'CER' and A.ACAD_CAREER = 'UGRD' then 'Certificate (Undergraduate)'
When A.ACAD_PLAN in('C-CSC','CCY1-CER','CCY2-CER','EED-CER') then 'Certificate (Undergraduate)'
When A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CGS%' then 'Certificate of Graduate Study'
When A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CAS%' then 'Certificate of Advanced Study (Post-Masters)'

Certificate has been identified as a Data Governance issue.

As of summer 2021, certificate students can be identified as below:

Institution Undergraduate certificate Post-Bacc / Graduate Post-Masters Notes

A.Degree = 'CERT'

A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CER' 

A.Degree = 'CGS'

A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CGS' 



A.Degree = 'CERT'

A.Degree = 'CGS'


UMS04 A.ACAD_PROG = 'CERT'     Not all A.Degree = 'CERT' are degree-seeking.


(A.Degree = 'CERT')

A.Degree = 'CGS'

A.Degree = 'EDS'

A.Degree = 'CAS'


A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CERT' 

A.ACAD_PLAN like '%-CGS'     
UMS07 A.ACAD_PROG = 'CERT'      

 (Alias A. is UM_STUD_EXTRACT on the table above)

Honors Program Issue Summary

Even though there is an Academic Plan Type of Honors, not all of these plans use this plan type. Specifically: HON-MIN at USM is a Minor (MIN), and at UM and UMF HON is a Course of Study (COS). This is one reason that the field ACAD_PLAN_TYPE is difficult to use in the query system.

Audit Query


Academic Program

Issue Summary

Similar to academic plan issues listed above, academic program is not used in a consistent way across the campuses, making integration of reporting and programming more difficult.

Resources & Research



Issue Summary

For Double Major (DMJ) academic plans, the Degree field is usually null. This makes it difficult to query a list of Bachelor academic plans with DMJ codes using the Degree field. It also represents an area of inconsistent use of the degree field across institutions, but it requires more conversation with registrars to determine why degrees were set up this way.

Example of code needed to inventory Bachelor degrees:


Background information provided by Linda Reid (UM Registrar's office): The reason for having degree codes of O-PSY-BA is due to system restrictions that prevent the awarding of the same degree for a student in the same term.  For example, a student may earn a degree in English and a degree in Psychology in the same term.  PeopleSoft will not allow a BA degree to be awarded twice.  So, by creating a different degree code for each major (O-ENG-BA & O-PSY-BA), the dual degrees can be awarded.  At least that's how it worked when we implemented PS.

Resources & Research

Last Admit Term/First Term Valid

Issue Summary

A Last Admit Term field count potentially be useful in determining whether students are still able to enroll in a particular major at a given institution, but only UM and USM use this field consistently, that is, inputting the term after which students are no longer able to enroll in a program. This would also prevent students from accidentally being registered into a plan or sub-plan that is no longer available. This field could potentially be useful to determine which concentrations within a major are available, but because it is not consistently used this is difficult to determine.  

First Term Valid is a similar field not consistently used, but would be useful to determine when a program began, but would need a way to determine whether a program is new or simply a change in the name/description, such as UMA's Library Science program.

Resources & Research

Related Links

Implementation Plan


Nursing Enrollment System-Wide Total Findings 

Issue Summary

  • Nursing programs are coded differently on each campus and can be found under a variety of types or descriptions. 
  • Finding the total number of nursing programs should be researched every semester to check for code descriptions that may have been added and which may not contain the current description criteria. 
  • Spreadsheet below shows data fields and descriptions used to find the required information for each campus

showing the table of nursing data fields and descriptions.

Plan Description vs. Transcript Description

Issue Summary

These sometimes differ, such as the case pointed out above with respect to UMF's Interdisciplinary Studies programs. In some cases, one of these descriptions is more accurate than the other (UMFK's recently suspended Accounting program is an example–the plan code ends with an "O" denoting it is online, but only the Transcript Description contains the word "Online," though for other plans at UMFK the word Online is included in BOTH the transcript description AND the academic plan description. In practice, this means querying off one of these fields for the word "online" would result in a program being flagged as Online while querying off the other description the plan would not be flagged as online).

Audit Query


Post Baccalaureate

Issue Summary

This is a specific type of a major at institutions like UMA and USM, but it is often tacked onto the Academic Plan, the Plan Description, the Degree, and the Diploma Description and the Transcription Description, but in different ways (even at the same institution). There is also a Post-Baccalaureate Admit Type (PBA).

For example, at UMA, the Post-Bacc in Computer Information Systems (with a plan code of CIS-BS-P) has a description of Computer Information Systems-P and a degree of BS, and the phrase Post Baccalaureate is included in both the Diploma Description and Transcript description. But for the Justice Studies post-baccalaureate (plan = JUS-BS-P), the Academic Plan Description is Justice Studies - PB, and in the case of Mental Health & Human Srvcs there is no space between the hyphen and the PB. At USM, their post-baccalaureate certificates do not end with -P as they do at UMA, but begin with the letter P. Although having the phrase Post-Baccalaureate in the Diploma and Transcript descriptions makes it easy to get a list of these programs, the Plan Descriptions make it difficult to merge these majors together when trying to get a count of majors (for example, a line of code is required to combine the Justice Studies majors with Justice Studies PB if one wants to get an accurate count of students majoring in Justice Studies at UMA–what makes this even more difficult is that sometimes it is " - PB" and sometimes "-P" or " - P" and sometimes "-PB"–any SQL code attempting to combine these programs needs to account for all the variations of how Post-Bacc is described in the Plan Description. Depending on the limitations of PeopleSoft, it might make more sense to exclude all variations of PB from the Plan Description entirely (assuming two different academic plans can have the same description) and retain it only in the Diploma and Transcript descriptions (but this also depends on institutions' needs).

Audit Query


SSR Component vs Free Format Topic Fields

Issue Summary

Course detail information at UMF and UMFK is sometimes added in a DESCR field which is called Free Format Topic. Other institutions document similar course information in the SSR Component field. Research is needed to determine more information about these fields and which would better serve the UMS if used consistently. For more information about the discussion that identified this issue, please see the Email Discussion Thread document link at right under Related Links.

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Other Identified Issues

Admissions Type

Issue Summary

Admit types are not consistent across all seven UMS campuses, in particular admission processes and coding for graduate, first year, and readmit students can be different. In order to align these across the campuses, each admissions department would need to agree on a set of system-wide admit types and align admission processes to support these. 16 admit types have been documented, only 5 are used by all 7 campuses, and some may not be used at all. 

Admission Code UMS01 UMS02 UMS03 UMS04 UMS05 UMS06 UMS07 Total
FYR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
HSN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
NDG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
REA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
TRF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
ATB 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
DAT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
EFY 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
GR2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
GR3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
GR6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
GRD 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
INT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
LAW 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
PBA 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 5
VST 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Total 5 8 8 7 10 11 7 56

A stop-gap developed at the system level was the creation of the calculated field "UM_ADMIT_TYPE_DESC - Admit Type Description" that aligns each different admit type into Continuing Student, Graduate Student, First-Time First-Year Student, Other First-Time Undergraduate Student and Readmit Student. Unfortunately, as new admit types are created the department that maintains this field may not be notified and this calculated field may return inaccurate data. This is especially relevant given that this field is currently used in the system-wide fall enrollment reports.  How these admit types are distributed into each category is determined by sets of criteria in the admit type description coding.  The code and results from a query for students with a Fall 2018 admit term are shown below. 


Term: 1910

Associate to B.A.


First Year Student


Non-Degree Student


Post Baccalaureate Student


Institution Continuing Student ATB Total Continuing Student First-Time First-Year Student Other First-Time Underg. Student Readmit Student FYR Total Continuing Student NDG Total Continuing Student Post-B.A. Student PBA Total
University Maine Presque Isle     269 152 8   429          
University of Maine     3945 2079 110 93 6227 617 617      
University of Maine at Augusta     428 265 14   707          
University of Maine at Machias     130 87 2   219     5 3 8
University of Maine Farmington     650 361 17   1028          
University of Maine Fort Kent 5 5 247 135 10   392     3 3 6
University of Southern Maine     1650 880 38   2568 11 11      
Grand Total 5 5 7319 3959 199 93 11570 628 628 8 6 14


Term: 1910

Dual Admit Term


1st Grad Program Addition


New USM Grad Student


New Graduate Student


Law Student


Institution Continuing Student Graduate Student DAT Total Continuing Student Graduate Student GR2 Total Continuing Student Graduate Student GR6 Total Continuing Student Graduate Student GRD Total Continuing Student Law Student LAW Total
University Maine Presque Isle                              
University of Maine 53 22 75 3 1 4       793 320 1113      
University of Maine at Augusta                              
University of Maine at Machias                              
University of Maine Farmington                   27 5 32      
University of Maine Fort Kent                              
University of Southern Maine             742 261 1003       180 82 262
Grand Total 53 22 75 3 1 4 742 261 1003 820 325 1145 180 82 262


Term: 1910

Readmit Student


Transfer Student


Institution Continuing Student Readmit Student REA Total Continuing Student Readmit Student Transfer Student TRF Total Continuing Student Readmit Student Blank Total
University Maine Presque Isle 26 20 46 170   92 262 119   119
University of Maine 14 7 21 681 25 329 1035 386 11 397
University of Maine at Augusta 163 120 283 590   339 929 326   326
University of Maine at Machias 33 22 55 37   23 60 114   114
University of Maine Farmington 9 6 15 134   80 214 150   150
University of Maine Fort Kent 7 8 15 249   129 378 244   244
University of Southern Maine 70 33 103 1071   474 1545 316   316
Grand Total 322 216 538 2932 25 1466 4423 1655 11 1666

Admit type Description Coding Script

The coding script for the Admit Type Description, is available in the Coding script Data Governance TDX Categories, which requires a UMS login to view.


Admitted Native American Course Registration Findings

Issue Summary

MaineStreet coding issues have been identified by UMS IR for Native Americans.  There are a number of fields used to identify these students as well as a time lag in MaineStreet causing inconsistencies over short periods of time. Different types of tuition waivers are recorded and even described differently across institutions.

Access to the following reports is restricted. Follow the link and request access if needed.

Click here for Native American issue details

Cross-Listing Flag

Issue Summary

Audit of consistent usage of cross-listing flag (cross-listed internal to a campus), and procedures on how to ensure that this happens consistently moving forward (across campuses). Review usage of cross-listing flag and develop procedures for consistent usage. Related to Distance Education course level, as well as multi-campus programs/course cross listing pilot

HR & Finance Department Variations

Issue Summary

More than one G/L department to each HR department. Approximately 4:1 estimated by Matt. When implementing PeopleSoft, the decision was made to keep them separate. A translate table was built; when a new HR department is created a message is generated but the table isn't always updated. When doesn’t it work? Example is SOOT. When departments migrated to UMS08, they now go to 8 or more G/L departments. The only G/L information that is available is in the distribution detail.

Last Admit Term/First Term Valid

Issue Summary

Last Admit Term: This field count potentially be useful in determining whether students are still able to enroll in a particular major at a given institution, but only UM and USM use this field consistently (that is, inputting the term after which students are no longer able to enroll in a program–this also prevents students from accidentally being registered into a plan or sub-plan that is no longer available).

First Term Valid: This field could potentially be useful to determine which concentrations within a major are available, but because it is not consistently used this is difficult to determine. First Term Valid is a similar field not consistently used but would be useful to determine when a program began (but need a way to determine whether a program actually started was new or simply a change in the name/description, such as UMA's Library Science program).

Audit Query


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NCAA Financial Aid Reports Findings 

Issue Summary

Annual updating of the Financial Aid portion of the query is necessary and justifiable.   Sports participation in Athletics departments varies tremendously across institutions, and it is not even known where the data are for all institutions resides, as UMS02 did not respond to requests.  It is assumed that they are adding the information to the Financial Aid report for the NCAA.

For all other institutions, it is now known how their NCAA reporting data is collected.  This ticket was strictly for those previously being reported using Discoverer.

Official Grade 

Issue Summary

Not all campuses use the same grading system. According to an inventory completed in March 2018, 7 grades are used consistently throughout all campuses, and additional six grades are used at 4-6 campuses, and there are three grades used at 3 or fewer campuses. The rubric below can be used as a reference for grading, but to determine all current grades used at each institution, a combination of individual queries, cleaned by research with registrars, is usually needed. Additionally, each institutions course catalog can be referenced for the most up-to-date grading information.

The Grading Basis also needs to be looked at in addition to the grades themselves. Fresh Start Grading Basis and Forgiveness Grading Basis. Ideally we would all code these identically; policies may remain different across campuses. Financial Aid requires ability to pull these courses/grades/grading bases for Satisfactory Academic Progress. This issue relates to Admissions as well as Financial Aid; potentially a Service Indicator/Milestone should be added to a student's account when the application results in Fresh Start or Forgiveness-based applications/students.

University of Maine System Grades

  • Source: Campus online academic catalogs
  • March 2018
A Superior A Superior work. A Excellent A excellent A Highest Honors A High Honors A  
B Good B Good work. B Good B good B Honors B Honors B  
C Satisfactory, successful meeting of the course objectives C Satisfactory but undistinguished work. C Satisfactory C satisfactory C Satisfactory C Average C  
D Low-level work, below the average required for graduation for an undergraduate, and a failing grade for a graduate student. D Poor work that does not adequately prepare students for more advanced work in the discipline. D Low-Level passing; below average D minimal pass D Low Passing     D  
F Failure to meet the course objectives F Failure. No credit is earned for a failed course. F Failure F failure or fail (in a pass/fail course) F Failing F Failure F  
P Pass; pass with a grade of C- or better in a pass/fail course P for a course passed on the pass/fail grading option with a C- or above. P Pass (for Pass/Fail course; not computed into GPA) P pass (C-minus or above) P Pass/Fail (grade of “C” or better) P Passed, (grades A through C-) P Successful completion of a pass/fail course. These hours are not included in point average calculations.
I Incomplete; a temporary grade given, agreed upon by instructor and student, in extraordinary circumstances when the student has failed to complete the course requirements. I “Incomplete.” I Incomplete I incomplete I Incomplete I Incomplete I Incomplete: a temporary grade indicating that specific arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete work by a later date not to exceed 210 days.
MG Missing Grade; Faculty may fail to submit a grade for a particular student in a course.     MG Missing grade (no grade submitted by instructor) MG missing grade     MG Missing Grade MG No grade supplied by instructor.
AU Student attended courses on a noncredit basis. AU assigned only for courses taken under the audit option. AU Audit         AU Audit AU Audit registration; no credit hours attempted or earned.
L Stopped attending; The grade of L may be assigned to students who stopped attending a course without officially dropping the course. L Failure for lack of participation L Stopped attending; not officially withdrawn; computed into GPA L dropout     L Stopped attending, computed as an F L Stopped attending. The grade of “L” may be assigned to the student who stopped attending a course without officially withdrawing.
W Withdrawal after the end of the drop period through 60% of a course. W indicating that the student officially withdrew from the course. W Withdrew (dropped during first half of semester, or dropped while passing during second half of semester; recorded on transcript; not computed into GPA) W withdrew W Withdrew W Withdrawl W Withdrawal or administrative withdrawal.
DG Satisfactory progress after one semester of a two-semester course; grade and credits to be given upon completion of second semester. DG deferred grade. This is used only for courses that extend beyond a single semester.     DG deferred grade DG Deferred     DG Deferred Grade: Satisfactory progress in a course that extends beyond a single semester.
LP Low Pass; pass with a grade of D-, D, or D+ in a pass/fail course LP Low Pass, for a course passed on the pass/fail grading option with a D+, D, or D-. LP low pass; for pass/fail course; not used in computing grade point averages but counted towards degree credit; represents grades of D+, D, or D- LP low pass (D-plus or below)         LP Low Pass (D+, D, D-) in a Pass/Fail course; hours are not included in GPA calculations
    F* for a course failed on the pass/fail grading option. No credit is earned and the GPA is not affected. F* failure; pass/fail course; not computed in GPA     F* Pass/Fail        
INC Permanent Incomplete; TH final grade deferred WF Withdrew failing (dropped failing course(s) during second half of semester, recorded on transcript, computed into GPA) T transfer grade     NP Not sufficiently proficient    
H High performance in a pass/fail course                        
* Quality points count toward GPA; credits do not count toward degree credits earned.
# Quality points do not count toward GPA; credits do count toward degree credits earned.
~ Quality points do not count toward GPA; credits count toward degree credits earned.
  • Grade used at all 7 campuses
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • F
    • P
    • I
    • W
  • Grade used at 4-6 campuses
    • D
    • MG
    • AU
    • L
    • DG
    • LP
  • Grade used at 3 of fewer campuses
    • F
    • INC / TH / WF / T / NP

CRSE_GRADE_OFF - Official Grade - Below are the various grades in the official grade field:

Although not noted above, plus and minus grades are used to determine GPAs. Refer to course catalogs for each institution for the academic year in which you are reporting to determine which grades were used.

  • *A
  • *A-
  • *B
  • *B-
  • *B+
  • *C
  • *C-
  • *C+
  • *D
  • *D-
  • *D+
  • *F
  • *I
  • *L
  • A
  • A-
  • A+
  • ACC
  • AU
  • B
  • B-
  • B+
  • C
  • C-
  • C-*
  • C+
  • D
  • D-
  • D+
  • DG
  • F
  • F*
  • H
  • I
  • I*
  • INC
  • L
  • LAB
  • LP
  • M*
  • MG
  • NC
  • NP
  • P
  • R
  • W
  • W/D
  • WF

Preferred Name (RESOLVED)

This issue was resolved by the SSSC in collaboration with the CS team in IT, HR, and Registrars.

Issue Summary

With the adoption of a new System-wide policy on Name Usage, the Registrars are attempting to modify existing queries so they include students' preferred names instead of their primary names, especially if a list is going to other campus staff, faculty and administration.

However, we found when trying to add Preferred Name to our existing queries, that a relative handful of students at each campus did not have a Preferred Name in any of the records which contain fields for Preferred Name. 

It has also been found that the HR preferred name will overwrite the CS updated name in Brightspace when the automatic refresh occurs.

Related Links

Student Tuition Residency

See our Student Tuition Residency documentation for more information.

Tuition & Fees Paid

Issue Summary

Based on the report SR_TUITION_AND_FEES_PAID_1820, there were inaccuracies found with the data.  The fields 'tuition paid' and 'fees paid' were not actually the amounts that students were paying, but the amounts the students had been charged (while the fields refer to payments). As such, our field names are inaccurate, or the code is inaccurate. A review needs to be conducted of to code to ensure it is up to date. 

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