Military Leave Coding Data Issue Documentation

This article provides historical information regarding the 2022 Data Governance project focused on developing mechanisms for processing and coding military leaves of absence.

Detailed Information

Issue Summary

The UMS instituted a new policy in 2019 to ensure that students who are called to active military duty can go on leave without negative financial or academic consequences, and that their status in their program is held for them to return to, if desired, at the conclusion of active duty. This proposal put forth mechanisms for processing and coding military leaves of absence to ensure compliance with the UMS policy, as well as consistency across UMS institutions.

Background Information

In the past, different methodologies had been utilized on different campuses to code for students leaving for active military duty. With the new UMS-wide policy, a workgroup was created at the request of the Data Advisory Committee to recommend UMS-wide coding and processing of military leave. The workgroup’s goal was to ensure that coding and processes are consistent across campuses, and that students who are–or have been–on a military leave, are accurately and easily able to be queried in MaineStreet.

Resources & Research

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Strategic Goals Addressed

Providing improved tracking and documentation for deployed students and students returning from deployment. Having this data more accessible will improve the universities ability to respond to student needs and internal and external data requests.


  • System-Wide