Google Calendar Appointment Schedules

Understanding Appointment Slots and Schedules: Appointment Schedules offer a more advanced scheduling solution, allowing others to book time directly in Google Calendar. Users can create Appointment schedules on any calendar you own or have delegated access to.

Detailed Information

  1. This feature aims to enhance scheduling capabilities and improve user experience.
    1. Note: Users currently utilizing Appointment Slots will begin to notice banners starting March 20, signaling the impending transition.
  2. For more information visit Google's support page for Calendar appointments slots on this topic. 


INFO: Actions for Account Holders: Accountholders must review existing appointment slots and create appointment schedules as needed.
Starting on July 18, 2024, users of Appointment Slots will no longer be able to access Slots. The only option available will be Appointment schedule. Existing appointment slots will be removed from users' calendars and will not convert to an appointment schedule. Users must manually create Appointment schedules.


  • Google


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Article ID: 172829
Thu 8/22/24 3:45 PM
Thu 8/22/24 3:45 PM
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